Partners Bank recently announced its sponsorship of an exhibition at the Ogunquit Museum of American Art (OMAA) during the museum’s 2020 season. The Bank’s pledge of $10,000 is funding the exhibition Light Southerly: Henry Strater in Verde Valley, which has been on view since July 1. There’s still time to see it, as it continues through October 31.
The Sanford Elks Lodge #1470 reminds local high school students that there is still time to apply for a Most Valuable Student scholarship from the Elks National Foundation. 500 scholarships in amounts from $4,000 to $50,000 will be awarded. Go to to apply by November 15. Children and grandchildren of Elks members are also eligible to apply for Legacy Awards of $4,000. The deadline is February 5, 2021. Apply at
The Sanford-Springvale YMCA is offering a Nature Treasure Hunt as a way for the whole family to get outdoors and get some exercise while having fun. More info here.
Beginning this past Monday, the City of Sanford now has an official reciprocal agreement with the Alfred, Acton, and Wells Fire Departments. They will automatically come to the scene of any reported fire in Sanford. On Friday, October 16, Alfred firefighters got some valuable training on Sanford‘s Truck 37 ladder truck. Solid relationships make Sanford stronger!
According to the Seacoast Shipyard Association, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard had a regional economic impact of over $1.5 billion and employed…
Moon Machar films the challenges and successes of the evolving face of Maine Photo: Maine Public Television website Sanford's Resilience…
Caption: Representatives from Great Bay Services presenting Duck Nesting Boxes Photo: Ayn Hanselmann By: Kendra Williams Duck Boxes, Child Care…
Photo: Canva Compiled by Lisa Blanchette Visit our Events Calendar for details on these events and on events to…
DPW plows ready for the next storm Photo: Lisa Blanchette By Lisa Blanchette Old Man Winter has been showing his…
Pileated Woodpeckers love suet feeders Photo: Terrence McCarthy