New Projects Approved

Sanford’s Planning Board and Site Plan Review Committee are keeping busy this spring approving many new projects.

Airport Plaza Storage Expansion

At its meeting on April 20, the Site Plan Review Committee approved plans for the expansion of the Airport Plaza storage facility located at 1725 Main St. The owner, Patco Construction, plans to build a new 4,600 sq. ft. storage building on the property. The gravel parking area which serves the Plaza will be paved and the property will be fenced. An adjacent commercial building, located at 84 Airport Rd., will be expanded and converted to storage units as well.

The two properties surround the Tripp Cemetery. Code Enforcement Officer Jamie Cole reminded the applicant that the contractors need to give extra attention to this area, to avoid encroaching on the 25’ buffer around the cemetery. Planning Director Beth Della Valle strongly recommended the applicant make an effort to improve the cemetery in some way if possible.

Middle School Bike Path

The Site Plan Review Committee also approved construction of a 10-foot wide bike path at Sanford Middle School, to address safety issues for kids who walk and bike to school from River St. The path was proposed by the Trails Committee. A new section of paving will begin the path from Spartan Drive, a crosswalk will be painted and new ADA warning pads will be installed. 40 parking spaces on the east side of the school will be repurposed to become part of the new path. A lengthy section of new paved pathway will be added going around to the front of the building, and will connect with the crosswalk closest to the traffic circle.

Lowd Environmental Reserve Trail

There will be improvements made to the trail at the Lowd Environmental Reserve after the Planning Board gave the go-ahead at its meeting on April 21.

Kevin McKeon of Mousam Way Land Trust, which owns the reserve, explained that the improvements are needed to protect the water quality of a stream, and make access easier for the public. The Land Trust will add stone and gravel to the trail on both sides of the stream, and add two footbridges and a boardwalk. A small parking area for up to 8 cars was previously approved.

No motorized vehicles are allowed on the trail. A gate at the entrance will also be added. The reserve is located just south of Brookwood Ave. on Oak St. in Springvale.

Blueberry Ridge Subdivision

The Planning Board also gave conditional approval to a three-lot subdivision off Oak St. near the intersection with Route 202. The subdivision is on a back lot, and will be accessed by a private way to be named Gallant Ave.

Steve Mallon, Director of Mousam Way Land Trust, stands next to a stream on the property. The blue area shows where one of the foot bridges will be constructed.

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