The Sanford Mainers are getting ready to roar into Goodall Park for another season of great collegiate baseball. The team has practices scheduled for Saturday, Sunday and Monday before they kick off the season with their home opener against the Upper Valley Nighthawks on Tuesday, June 7 at 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday through Friday, June 8-10, the team will be on the road before returning to Sanford for a doubleheader on Saturday, June 11 against the Vermont Mountaineers at 4:00 and 6:30. The Winnipesaukee Muskrats will be in town for Sunday’s game at 4:30.
Tickets for the Mainers’ games are just $7 for adults. Kids 12 and under, seniors 60+ and military members with valid ID are just $5. Season ticket prices are $100 for adults, $70 for kids/seniors/military, and $200 for a family of two adults/two kids, or three adults. Season tickets may be purchased at the Mainers’ office at 917 Main St., or online at
The Mainers are excited to have several local players join the team this year, including:
Head Coach Nic Lops is returning to lead the team for the second year.
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