Houseal Leaving Early

Houseal Leaving Early

By Lee Burnett, Submissions Editor

Friday April 12 was Ian Houseal’s last day of work as Sanford’s Community Development Director. Houseal has worked for the city for the past seven years and has been its point person in expanding housing and upgrading substandard housing.

During Houseal’s tenure, the city increased housing density in the urban core, allowed accessory dwellings on any residential lot, regulated rental housing and recycled vacant and dangerous buildings back onto the housing market.

Houseal spoke against eliminating his position during the public participation portion of a recent City Council meeting, saying the position was a full-time job in itself and could expose the city to liability without it. The City Council opted to eliminate the position and to create an assistant city manager’s position, at an additional $17,857 cost, for the budget year beginning in July. The new position will have expanded duties and could provide coverage in the absence of the city manager.

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