Habitat for Humanity Building Homes in Sanford

Habitat for Humanity Building Homes in Sanford

Press Release

Habitat for Humanity York County will be building multiple homes in Sanford beginning in spring 2023. Habitat currently owns three parcels of land, purchased from the City of Sanford, that will support a minimum of five units. Habitat is excited to be working on infill lots to transform what was once a neighborhood liability into an affordable homeownership opportunity.

Habitat anticipates opening the application process for a three-bedroom home in January 2023. The agency partners with York County households who show a demonstrated need for safe and affordable housing and have the ability to pay an affordable mortgage. Homes are constructed using volunteer labor, donated materials, and fundraising. Once the home is completed, the homeowners’ mortgage payments are reinvested in the program to support the construction of future Habitat for Humanity homes.

Who is eligible for a Habitat home? Households living or working in York County whose annual incomes are up to 60% of the area median income are typically eligible to purchase a Habitat home. If selected for a Habitat home, monthly mortgage payments will be no more than 28% of the household income. Habitat’s path to homeownership requires volunteering, educational classes, and willingness to partner with Habitat.

If you are interested in learning more about Habitat for Humanity’s homeownership program or how to sponsor a home, please visit habitatyorkcounty.org, email program@habitatyorkcounty.org or call 207-985-4850 with any questions.

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