October 5th marked the 20th anniversary of the premiere of a beloved television show and cultural icon, Gilmore Girls. Fans of the show will remember its fast-paced dialogue, lovable characters and numerous pop culture references, including, of course, books! The studious Rory Gilmore always has a book in her hands, and her mother Lorelai’s quick wit often features literary comebacks. In fact, there are 393 books either seen or referenced over the course of the main show’s 7 seasons!
The Goodall Library will feature some of the most memorable novels to grace the Gilmore Girls screen in the new “Rory Gilmore Book Club.” The first meeting will take place via Zoom on Wednesday, November 4 at 6:00 p.m.
Here’s how it works: Every month, the Library will chose two books for you to read before the next meeting – one is the “main” book and the topic of most of the discussion, and the other is an optional secondary read that will have a brief breakout discussion, for those who choose to participate.
At least one copy of each book will be available at the library; if one is checked out and you need help finding another source for it, they will help! During the meeting (hosted by Library Director, Chip, and Youth Services Librarian, Nicole), they will give a brief overview of the books, watch the clips from the episodes they appear in, and open up the floor for discussion of that month’s novels. You don’t have to have seen the show to participate, though that does make it more fun!
The schedule and titles for each month’s book club can be found at lbgoodall.org. This month’s main book is Rosemary’s Baby by Ira Levin, and the second, optional book is The Crucible by Arthur Miller. Registration is recommended, but not required. Send the Library a Facebook message or email info@lbgoodall.org to let us know you’re interested so they can get an idea of numbers. They will share the Zoom link when the event gets closer. And remember, you can join in whether you’re a big reader or you typically don’t read much. After all…”Well, what is much?”
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