By Goodall Library Staff
We are delighted to have the works of a new featured artist here at the library – Allison Fortin of Portland, ME. You can view some of her beautiful, vibrant canvases and prints throughout the building and of course they are all for sale as well. Allison also offers commissioned work and there is more info on that and forms for those interested near the main art display. Give Allison a follow at @afortin_art to see more of her work or contact her about her pieces.
We also are continuing to sell our library merchandise. All profits go toward the library’s future renovation, in which we hope to add a drive-thru window, an outdoor reading space, a dedicated young adult space, and more. Order forms are available at the library and include items such as water bottles, stickers, cookbooks, sweatshirts, and t-shirts in custom colors and sizes.
Between Monday August 16th and Thursday August 19th, we are offering a virtual/takehome program called “Finding Science in Folktales.” Kids can pick up one of our 50 available kits to enjoy alongside some free, fun, educational videos from the Children’s Museum of NH. Each video will offer an energetic reading of a folktale, with a walkthrough of its related activity.
Miss Nicole wants to make our final week of the Tails & Tales Summer Reading Program an extra special one, so she’s bringing her bunnies to the library for a day! Tuesday, August 17th, you can visit with Comet and Hubble, ask to learn important rabbit facts, even sit and read a story to them while they nibble on their hay. And remember, we don’t want to stress them out at all, so be sure to be extra quiet when you come into the Children’s Room that day so they’ll be comfortable and happy.
On Wednesday August 18th, the library will be closed from noon to 1:00pm for an important staff training.
On Thursday August 19th, we will be hosting our rescheduled “STEM Buoyancy Experiments” event with volunteers from the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. Everyone previously signed up already has a slot guaranteed, but we have a few spaces open still if more families would like to sign up to learn about what floats, what sinks, and why.
And of course, Saturday August 21st is the final day of our 2021 Summer Reading Program: Tails and Tales. For adults, we will have a virtual raffle ticket drawing on Beanstack to determine who wins our great prize baskets. For kids, we have a wonderful celebration planned at Belgian Meadows Farm in Lebanon, ME from 11:00 to 1:00. There will be wagon rides, pizza, prizes awarded to the top 3 readers of the summer, a playground, and educational horse activities. There are only a few spaces left so sign up soon if interested.
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Compiled by Lisa Blanchette Visit our Events Calendar for details on these events and on events to come. ONGOING…
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