Good News From Sanford Schools: March 23, 2022

Sanford High School

Ms. Foley’s Senior English classes are working on skills that should benefit them as they move towards graduation:  Interview skills!  Students practice and conduct interviews with each other.  The students seemed to be enjoying their interviewing time together and hopefully this skill will help them land their next job! 

Two SHS winter athletes have received statewide accolades.

  • James Blood, who placed third at the New England Wrestling Championship, has been named to the Portland Press Herald’s All State Varsity Wrestling Team
  • Spartan basketball player Connor Curcio has been named to the All-State Academic Team by the Maine Association of Basketball Coaches.

Sanford Regional Technical Center

21 Academy of Business students represented SRTC as they traveled to the Idexx campus in Westbrook on Wednesday, March 2 to compete against 68 other teams from throughout the state in the annual Titan Challenge, which is sponsored by Junior Achievement of Maine. With a focus on financial literacy and insights into the workforce, the JA Titan Challenge brings business economics to life. Students prepared for the challenge both individually and as part of a team to make financial decisions about production, marketing, research and development (R&D), and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Eight teams of two to three students were assigned to volunteer mentors from Junior Achievement from various business and industry organizations throughout southern Maine.

Pictured is Sanford Regional Technical Center’s Academy of Business Team SRTCEight, who were the Region Winners for the event. The team consisted of students Delaney Allard (Noble HS), Tyler Chase (Wells HS) and Devyn Hussey (Massabesic HS). Congratulations to the Academy of Business and Team SRTCEight for a job well done!

Students in the SRTC Fire Science program were trained in vehicle extrication techniques last week, under the guidance of Instructor Captain Harold Smith and Captain Watkins from the Sanford Fire Department. Students did an excellent job and SRTC’s Career Exploratory students were also able to observe. Many thanks to Captain Watkins for his time!

Sanford Middle School

SMS held the annual Challenge Day event for 8th grade students. This year’s event was very positive according to students and staff. It was a powerful day of learning, growing and expressing feelings about their experiences. We are proud of our 8th grade students and staff for working hard this week at creating a positive culture here at SMS!

L to R: Jon Rideout, Gino Manderson, Madison Nadeau, Amy Sevigny, Andrew Melvin, Noah Franzen

Congratulations to Joshua Fogarty, Adeline Fraser, and Allison Horton, who won FIRST PLACE in the Elks Drugs Awareness video contest at the State level!! Each student and their parents are invited to the State Association Convention Banquet on Saturday, April 30th at the Hilton Garden Inn – Riverwatch in Auburn.

Carl J. Lamb School

Mrs. Lapointe’s 4th grade came up with 807 Acts of Kindness in the Kindness Challenge.

New after-school clubs are starting up with the help of PTA volunteers. Clubs include Directed Drawing, Running, Maine Wildlife and Nature.

Margaret Chase Smith School

Mrs. Werner’s kindergarten class finished their reading unit called Bigger Books, Bigger Muscle Power!“ Students participated in a superhero celebration by creating “mini-me” super readers!

Mrs. Ackroyd’s kindergarten class got to try out their honorary finger pointing powers with their new finger lights! Students worked on tracking their reading as they read books!

Mrs. Collop’s second grade class has been working hard in science. They have been learning about solid and liquid states of matter, and they were able to participate in a candy testing activity. Students were able to test various candies to see if they would melt in hot water. Using their observations, students decided which candy is the best choice for a warm summer day.

Mrs. Longfish’s second grade class celebrated their writing pieces this week with an author’s showcase. Students shared their published writing pieces, highlighted new writing strategies, and were able to celebrate their hard work and efforts!

Third grade students got to celebrate winning the attendance reward for the month of February. Students achieved 94.96% for attendance, beating out all other grades. Students got to come to the gym and play some Hula Hut to celebrate their great attendance. 

Students have been representing their MCS coyote pride with our new MCS coyote shirts! On the back of the shirts, we have our year-long theme of “Keep Going, Keep Growing” as a reminder to keep persevering!

Sanford Pride Elementary School

We recently implemented the SPE Good Manners Award.  Each week, food service, Mr. May and staff will be looking for students exhibiting good manners in the cafeteria.  Students that receive an SPE Good Manners award may submit themselves to be Mr. May’s cafeteria helper for the following week.  Here is a photo of a recent winner.  Mr. May reported that all of his helpers are doing a wonderful job. 

St. Thomas School

Mr. Mello’s fifth grade students took advantage of the beautiful weather this past week, and practiced adding and subtracting fractions outdoors!

St. Thomas students and staff showed their solidarity with the people of Ukraine by putting sunflowers in the windows of the School.

Sanford Christian Academy

SCA Annual Silent Auction fundraiser is scheduled for April 15. The evening will start off with a dinner at 5:00 p.m., followed by a concert at 6:00. Students and staff are working hard to get everything ready!

Sanford Community Adult Education

We are working on a new initiative called “Read a Book, Take a Book,” which will provide our Adult Education students with a library filled with a variety of books for them to take and to keep. Many of our students struggle with literacy, they share that they have never read a book and that they want to read to their children. With the generosity of the Rotary Club as well as area libraries who have donated books, we will be able to provide free books for students and their family, a gift that is truly priceless. Sadly, in Maine, approximately 1 in 6 adults read at the lowest literacy level. These individuals are not able to read a newspaper article and struggle with written directions, medicine labels, and other kinds of daily reading needs. The most important predictor of a child’s literacy level is their mother’s literacy level. Each time we help a mom improve her skills, it helps her child have a better start in life. When we help an adult education student we also help their family. Please call SCAE if you are interested in learning more about “Read a Book, Take a Book,” or if you are interested in getting help with literacy.

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