Good News From Sanford Schools: June 26, 2022

Congratulations to the Sanford High School Class of 2022! You can watch the full graduation ceremony here:

Parade of the graduates at Carl J. Lamb School.

The big kids weren’t the only ones who graduated in June. All Friends Learning Center Preschool had their graduation at Nasson Little Theatre.

Campers in SRTC’s Middle School Camp had a great week! Here are some photos from the Law Enforcement and STEM A programs.

On May 35, the Sanford High School AP Capstone Symposium was held. Students presented their year-long research projects over a variety of student chosen topics, listed below. Community members, staff and other students attended the symposium and learned about the hard work that students have put in over the past year.

Students began in September with an in depth research project about a broad topic, and then narrowed the topic down to a researchable scale. They conducted the research and worked to write a 4,000-5,000 word paper and create a 20 minute oral presentation. At the Symposium, they shared their research posters (generously printed by Edison Press of Sanford and sponsored in part by Baker Company also of Sanford). The students presentations and symposium posters require them to have extensive knowledge not only about their project, but also about their topic and existing research on their topic. What is most impressive is that the course requires them to complete research that has not been researched before, thus adding to existing knowledge and allowing the possibility of publication. Kelly Tibbetts teaches the AP Research class and oversees the Symposium.

Junior Audrey Coleman presenting her findings.

This year, 16 students participated. Three were seniors and the rest were juniors.

  • John-Paul Alexandre – A Quantitative Analysis of the Effects of Class Time on NWEA scores
  • Hannah Baker – Isaac Newton: An Analysis of the Effect of Isaac Newton’s Psychosis on His Laboratory Journals
  • Jaylyn Bartolome – Impacts of Different Methods of Dog Training on the Behavioral and Social Success of Dogs
  • Hannah Brown – Effects of phosphate substitute on marine coral
  • Summer Clough – Disordered Eating Prevalence in AP vs. Non-AP Sanford High School Students
  • Audrey Coleman – Correlation Analysis of Fraternal Twins and Their Personality Types
  • Sophia Corliss – The Correlation Between Social Media and Adolescent Male Health
  • Ana Cote – The Influence of Vitamin C on individual personality traits
  • Kora Eckelman- Sports injuries and nutrition due to average household income
  • Nathan Ghedoni – Factors that are impacting the shortage of cybersecurity talent in the financial sector
  • Abbey Gifford – Central and Southern Maine Birds in Winter: diet and roosting patterns
  • Ella Hoenig – The effects of the length of slow wave sleep cycle on declarative memory
  • Mia Kane – Testing bullfrog tadpoles in increasing water temperature and salinity
  • Azline Maura’s – Where College Students Live Affects the 2021 Fashion Aesthetics they Identify with
  • Samantha Phillips – The cognitive effects of sunset yellow FCF relative to learning and memory
  • Miranda Tanguay – Caffeine’s effect on memory and focus in Sanford High School students

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