Good News From Sanford Schools: January 26, 2022

Compiled from staff reports and Facebook posts

Sanford High School

As SHS wrapped up Semester One of the school year, Project Graduation provided all of our students with a “Survival Kit” to help them through final assessments in their classes. The kits included goodies from Vitamin water to essential school supplies to keep them motivated through the end. Each kit also included a gift certificate for a four-pack of Frannie’s Mini Donuts. Project Grad created and donated over 1,050 kits for our students and getting them out in a timely fashion was a tall order so we required some student reinforcements to get them delivered to all our classrooms. Pictured is Izzy Tremblay helping us deliver to classrooms.

Thank you to Project Grad and all those who helped make this happen!

Spartan Wrestling took 2nd place at the Hammerhead Duals in York, pushing their dual meet record to 10-3 on the year. Great work Spartans!!!

Sanford Regional Technical Center

Congratulations to students from the SRTC who were recently recognized as Students of the Quarter for
the first quarter of the year. 

Students who were recognized include:
From the AM Session:

  • Isabella Bazata, Culinary Arts (Wells)
  • Gracie Couture, Academy of Business (Noble)
  • Riley Doughty, Fire Science (Sanford)
  • Ronald Houle, Engineering Applications with Robotics (Sanford)
  • Rebecca King, Health Occupations (Sanford)
  • Lily Knappe, Video Production (Kennebunk)
  • Leo Laine, Digital Design (Massabesic)
  • Nicholas Laurendeau, Precision Manufacturing (Sanford)
  • Jack Marley, Building Trades (Marshwood)
  • Zachary Neal, Computer and Network Systems (Homeschool)
  • Melody Pradham, Engineering and Architectural Design (Noble)
  • Danielle Siraco, Cosmetology (Marshwood)
  • Mitchell Stevens, Automotive Collision Repair (Kennebunk)
  • Jake Tanner, Automotive Technology (Massabesic)
  • Trace Thibault, Career Exploratory (Sanford)
  • Caleb Thill, Welding and Metal Fabrication (Kennebunk)
  • Malakai Webber, Emergency Medical Services (Sanford)

From the PM Session:

  • Delaney Allard, Academy of Business (Noble)
  • Logan Bennett, Emergency Medical Services (Sanford)
  • Aric Berry, Digital Design (Noble)
  • Hayden Bonser, Culinary Arts (Noble)
  • Jackson Brackett, Computer and Network Systems (Marshwood)
  • Cadence Brown, Landscaping and Horticulture (Marshwood)
  • Billy Dame, Automotive Technology (Noble)
  • Bailey Hayden, Precision Manufacturing (Wells)
  • Riley Hebler, Health Occupations (Sanford)
  • Seth Hultstrom, Automotive Collision Repair (York)
  • Ryan Johnson, Building Trades (Kennebunk)
  • Ben Mandani, Engineering Applications with Robotics (Traip)
  • Alana Moretti, Engineering and Architectural Design (Marshwood)
  • James Morton, Engineering Applications with Robotics (Noble)
  • Edwin Pease, Career Exploratory (Sanford)
  • Bowman Rollins, Video Production (Traip)
  • Camelia Warlo, Cosmetology (Sanford)

Sanford Middle School

Our Life Skills Program provides the opportunity for students to learn and practice health boosting habits. Students are able to experience new recipes, like a chopped salad, and to identify the nutrition that encompasses each of those recipes. Students cultivate skills to produce healthy meals that induce energy to learn and feel great. Way to go Allie Kepner, Xander Large and Zackary Misenheimer!

Carl J. Lamb School

In Mrs. Smith’s Soc Studies class, they talked about “How to Get Along”; one of the messages was to “Be Kind.” Our core value is kindness.

In Science, the class learned about weather and what to wear/do in certain types of weather and extended it to what animals do in the winter. They read the book The After Christmas Tree in which a family takes their tree outside after the holidays and decorates it for the birds and squirrels. For the project they spread peanut butter on pinecones then rolled them in birdseed as a kind act for wildlife at this time of year.  The children tied yarn to the base of the pinecones so that students could take them home to hang in their yard and watch the birds enjoy them just as the characters in the story did. The students were SUPER excited about this activity!

Margaret Chase Smith School

Kindness is the theme of the month at MCS! To kick off the month, students were given a Kindness Checklist as they participate in the Great Kindness Challenge. Throughout the building classrooms have been busy engaging in kindness activities to remind students the importance of building a positive school climate.  The students have been challenged with completing 500 acts of kindness by January 28th.  If the school reaches their goal, students will celebrate their determination on the back hill of MCS with a sledding party. Stay tuned as the students will also participate in various spirit days January 24th-28th to promote the importance of being kind throughout the school, community and world.

Classrooms in Action: The kindergarten classrooms have been busy learning all of the reading superpowers the past few weeks.  Students have learned how to use their pointing, picture, sound and word powers.  To celebrate their success, students have been reading to various staff members in the building showcasing their new skills. Mrs. Werner’s students were awarded their own cape and mask during their celebration.  Look out for these Super Readers!

Sanford Pride Elementary School

The Read Dog program at Pride started in January 2021 with 6 participants. We now see 24 students four days a week. All students have increased their reading fluency and have a minimum of two reading levels of growth since the start of the year 2021/2022 year.

Reading is an intimidating and even stressful challenge that many students face. It is much easier for children to read when they are with a captivated and easily pleased audience; dogs. Students in our program have increased their ability to read out loud and have become more confident in their reading. The students report that they look forward to reading to the dogs. They feel more comfortable with the dogs and have become much more independent when coming to the classroom during their designated times. Dodger, Ory & Willow are the golden retrievers who love being read to.

St. Thomas School

Congratulations to Mia Lantagne (left, grade 6) and Zoey McCann (grade 7) who took first and second place respectively in the Knights of Columbus’ “Faith in Action” essay contest. Mia and Zoey were awarded a gift card for beautifully writing about how their faith carried them through a difficult obstacle in their lives. Well done, ladies!

Each Wednesday in Pre-K, students tackle a science experiment. Here, “snow” (baking soda) is turned into a foamy design with vinegar!

Thanks to the amazing generosity of donors Jason and Erin St. Jean and family, our 6th, 7th and 8th graders have received new Hewlett-Packard laptops for daily use. What a tremendous gift for our middle school students!

Sanford Christian Academy

The Soldiers of SCA notched a double triumph on January 18, with wins by both the basketball and volleyball teams.

Sanford Community Adult Education

SCAE students are working very hard completing the HiSET (High School Equivalency Test). We also have  many certificate graduates. Since the school year began in July 2021, we have had the following graduates, with many more in the works:

  • HiSET 8
  • C.N.A’s 2
  • Certified Welders 4
  • Paralegal 1
  • AMP Certificate 1
  • UGC Certificate 3

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