Financial Supporters: We Couldn’t Do This Without You 

Financial Supporters: We Couldn’t Do This Without You 

By Lisa Blanchette, SSN Editorial Board Member 

Thank you to all who have been reaching out to support the Sanford Springvale News by their kind words, likes and shares of our Facebook posts, volunteering of their time, and especially their financial donations to sustain our work.

Our heartfelt “Thank You” to this week’s donors:

Gail and Lee Burnett
Lynn Serritella
Ronald Legere
Kathy Fink
Sharon McDonald
Judith Ward
Val & Doris Grondin

We are working toward our goal of producing a print edition of the Sanford Springvale News, and your contributions will help us achieve that. To that end, we are investigating some grants. One of the elements of a good grant application is providing proof that we will be sustainable beyond the funds a given grant would provide. That is why we are so thankful to see our community members stepping up make making those very important individual donations to support us. Please keep them coming!

We are part of an established 501C3 under the fiscal sponsorship of Strategies for a Stronger Sanford. If you would like to make a donation you can do so by going to .

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