Compiled by Lisa Blanchette
- Kindergarten registration, online @, through June 1
- 3rd Annual March Madness – online auction for It Takes A Village 207, 3/20-3/31
Saturday, March 15
- What’s the Buzz on Bees @ Eldredge Lumber, 2-4 pm, 1787 Main St.
- Rolling Thunder fundraiser buffet for veterans and veterans’ causes, 4:30-6:00 pm, Sanford-Springvale VFW Post 9935, 1 Hutchinson St.
- Corned beef and cabbage dinner, 4:30-6 pm, Sanford First Baptist Church, 905 Main St.
- The Wintery Mix, 6:30-9 pm, River Junction Brewing Co., 1491 Main St.
- Maine Attraction water ski show team St. Patrick’s Day benefit dance and auction, 6:30-10:30 pm, Memorial Gym, 678 Main St.
Sunday, March 16
- New England Colonial Meeting Houses lecture at Sanford Springvale Historical Society, 3-5 pm, 505 Main St., Springvale
Monday, March 17
- Baby Rhyme Time, 10-10:20 am, Springvale Library, 443 Main St.
- Family Fun Day: rock painting, 10-11 am, Pleasant Street Free Baptist Church, 10 Pleasant Street, Springvale
- Sanford Food Pantry, 10 am-noon, 1204 Main St.
- Lego Builders Club, 3:30-4:30 pm, Springvale Library, 443 Main St.
- School Committee meeting, 6-9 pm, Sanford City Hall, 919 Main St.
- Music in our Schools Concert/SHS & Casco Bay Wind Symphony, 7-8:15 pm, Sanford Performing Arts Center, 100 Alumni Blvd.
Tuesday, March 18
- Toddle Time, 10-11 am, Sanford Memorial Gym, 678 Main St.
- Salvation Army Food Pantry, 10 am-noon, 871 Main St.
- Baby/Toddler Rhyme Time, 10:30-11 am, Goodall Library, 1364 Main St.
- Pre-K Story Time w/Craft, 11-11:30 am, Goodall Library, 1364 Main St.
- York County Food Pantry, noon-3 pm, YCSP, 5 Swett’s Bridge Road, Alfred
- YCSP’s “To-Go” Lunch @ St. George’s Episcopal Church, 2-3 pm, 3 Emerson St.
- Cribbage, 2-3 pm, Springvale Library, 443 Main St.
- Knit Lits, 3-4:30 pm, Springvale Library, 443 Main St.
- Sanford Elks Bingo, 4 pm doors open, 6 pm games start, 13 Elm St.
- City Council budget meeting, 5-7 pm, Sanford City Hall, 919 Main St.
- Toddle Time, 5:30-6:30 pm, Sanford Memorial Gym, 678 Main St.
- Dulcimer Group, 6-7 pm, Goodall Library, 1364 Main St.
- City Council meeting, 6-9 pm, City Hall, 919 Main St.
Wednesday, March 19
- Paint Fun @ Goodall Library for children of all ages, 10:30-11:30 am, 1364 Main St.
- Community Café, noon-2 pm, Mayflower Place, 27 Mayflower Dr.
- It Takes A Village 207 – indoor community meal @ St. George’s Episcopal Church, 2-3 pm, 3 Emerson St.
- Lego Club, 2:30-4:30 pm, Goodall Library, 1364 Main St.
- Fiber Arts Group, 5-7 pm, Goodall Library, 1364 Main St.
- Wednesday Night Bite community meal, 6-7 pm, Curtis Lake Church, 38 Westview Dr.
Thursday, March 20
- Sensory Story Time, 10 am-noon, Springvale Library, 443 Main St.
- St. Therese of Lisieux Food Bank, noon-2 pm, Holy Family Church, 66 North Ave.
- National Webcast-Family Dynamics & Grief: Strategies for Supporting Young People Through Loss, 12:45-4:45 pm, online
- Southern Maine Garden Club meeting, 1-3 pm, Springvale Library, 443 Main St.
- YCSP’s “To-Go” Lunch @ St. George’s Episcopal Church, 2-3 pm, 3 Emerson St.
- Free community meal, 5-6 pm, New Beginnings Christian Church, 181 Grammar Rd.
- Game Night @ the Library, 5-7 pm, Goodall Library, 1364 Main St.
Friday, March 21
- Harvest Table Food Pantry, 9-11 am, Salvation Army, 871 Main St.
- Toddler Time @ SCAE, 9-11 am, 668 Main St.
- Kids Free Kids Free to Grow playgroup @ SCAE, 11:30 am-1 pm, 668 Main St.
- York County Food Pantry, noon-3 pm, YCSP, 5 Swett’s Bridge Road, Alfred
- The MomCo @ Pleasant Street, 6-7 pm, Pleasant Street Baptist Church, 10 Pleasant Street, Springvale
- Paint Night with Amy @ the YMCA, 6-8 pm, 1 Emile Levasseur Dr.
Saturday, March 22
- Microchip & Rabies Vaccine Clinic, 9 am-noon, Animal Welfare Society, 46 Holland Rd., Kennebunk
- Maine Maple Weekend, 9 am-3 pm, Packy’s Sugar House, 232 Harry Howes Rd.
- Baby Blessings, 10 am-noon, St. George’s Episcopal Church, 3 Emerson St.
- Big Kid Story Time @ Goodall Library, 10:30-11:30 am, 1364 Main St.
Sunday, March 23
- Maine Maple Weekend, 9 am-3 pm, Packy’s Sugar House, 232 Harry Howes Rd.
- Wit & Wisdom-19th Century New England Humor with Jo Radner, lecture series at Sanford Springvale Historical Society, 3-5 pm, 505 Main St., Springvale
- Sanford Schools PTA @ The Maine Mariners, 3-5 pm, Portland
Check Sanford School Department sports schedules at
Visit our Events Calendar for details on these events and on events to come.