To submit a Sanford/Springvale event
Red Cross Blood Drive @ Nasson Community Center noon-5pm, Nasson Community Center, 457 Main Street, Springvale
Drag Time Story Hour, Louis B Goodall Memorial Library 952 Main Street. In tandem with Caring Unlimited’s Pride Carnival. Stop by for a reading at 3:30pm or 4:15pm.
Caring Unlimited’s Pride Carnival, 965 Main Street. Pride celebration for all ages. Free food, face painting, games, music, and more.
All guests at the Pride Carnival will also be entered into a free raffle for books, CU merch, and other exciting prizes. Rain date 6/6
Margaret Chase Smith 4th Grade Parent Information Night at Sanford Middle School, 5-5:30pm 52 Spartan Drive
Sanford School Committee Meeting, 6-9pm Sanford City Hall/City Council Chambers 919 Main Street
Sanford Community Forest Walk, 4pm Oak Street (Route 11A) Sanford All are welcome. Meet at the trailhead on Oak Street, opposite house number 432
5th Annual Healthy Living Expo-10am-Noon, Sanford-Springvale YMCA, 1 Emile Levasseur Drive, Join the Trafton Center and Thriving in Place: Age Friendly Sanford for their 5th Annual Expo. There will be vendors with helpful information, classes, door prizes and more. For more information, call the Y Trafton Senior Center 207-457-0080
Sam’s Book Club-Dark Tide: The Great Boston Molasses Flood of 1919 by Stephen Puleo, 5:30pm, Springvale Public Library, 443 Main Street, Springvale
Senior Citizen Mobile Food Drive (2 programs at once) 10 am-11:30 am, CrossRoads United Methodist Church, 15 Grammar Road. Program 1-anyone over 60 in need of food assistance, produce for all; Program 2-Commodities for those who meet income eligibility requirements.
The Career Center-Thursday Job Fair @ Sanford Community Adult Education, 3-5pm, 668 Main Street. The Career Center is a proud partner of the American Job Center Network. Come and meet with a recruiter and find the right fit for you! For more information contact: 207-490-4622 (This is the last in the series)
Margaret Chase Smith School-Spring Carnival, 5:30-6:30, 248 Twombley Road
The Southern Maine Agency on Aging Medicare Series, Louis B Goodall Memorial Library, 952 Main Street
Mikini-Movie Night, 5-8pm, Mikini Embroidery & Sports Apparel, 1298 Main Street. Movie night, come join and tye-dye a shirt then watch Despicable Me. Bring your own chairs.
2nd Annual Frommie’s Fight Block Party 5:30pm, Nasson Community Center 457 Main Street Springvale.
Sanford Mainers Opening Day 5:30pm, Goodall Park, 32 Roberts Street, The Sanford Mainers vs. The Upper Valley Nighthawks.
80’s Rockers Trixter Acoustic Live 7-10pm @ Pilot’s Cove, 199 Airport Road. Steve Brown and PJ Farley of Trixter Acoustic live, Missy and Shaun from Boyz Gone Wild will be opening the show w/some 80’s rock covers. Doors open at 7. Event Sponsored by Sanford Sound. FREE meet-and-greet following the show!
Sanford Springvale Historical Society-Portland Piano Trio 7:30pm 505 Main Street, Springvale $20 for ages 18 and older.
Sanford Community Forest Walk, 1pm Oak Street (Route 11A) Sanford All are welcome. Meet at the trailhead on Oak Street, opposite house number 432
Halloween Costume Party 4:30pm Sanford Mainers vs. Keene Swamp Bats, Goodall Park, 32 Roberts Street. Celebrate Halloween early this year by wearing your favorite Halloween costume to the park. Wearing a costume enters you into a contest. Don’t forget to stop by the home dugout after the game where kids will be able to go trick-or-treating around the field and meet the players. Grahamtastic Connection will be the featured group of the night.
6/12 MCS Kindergarten Screening
6/12 A Family for ME Q&A Zoom at Noon & 6pm
6/12 Schools Out for Summer Mainers vs Upper Valley Nighthawks
6/12 York County Budget Committee Public Hearing
6/13 Matthew Meal @ St. Thomas School Free To All
6/14 Smitty’s Summer Kickoff!
6/14 Author Talk-Early Families of Hollis & Dayton by Fred Boyle
6/14 The “Community” in Sanford Community Forest conversation
6/14 Friends of Downtown (Every-other-week) Meeting
6/15 Sanford DPW closed for training 1:30-3:30
6/15 Mainers vs Blue Sox Hawaiian Luau Night!
6/16 Meet the Mainers
6/17 Little League & Dance Studio of Maine South Night – Mainers vs Danbury Westerners
6/17 Frannie’s Mini Donuts-Make & Take Blue Dahlia Design Class
6/18 Amvets Post 3 Sanford-Paint Pouring Fun!
6/18 Sanford Performing Arts Center-Haydn’s “The Creation”
Mondays, Sanford Food Pantry, 10-noon (except Holidays)
Tuesdays, Sanford Elks Bingo, doors open at 4pm
Sunset Towers, Free Lunch, 11:30-1pm
Louis B Goodall Library, Drop-In Technology Help 2:30-4pm
Wednesdays, Curtis Lake, Wed Night Bite. Free Community Meal 6-7pm
Wednesdays, (every other week) Friends of Downtown Sanford
Thursdays, New Beginnings Christian Church-Free Community Meal
St. Therese of Lisieux Food Bank, noon-2pm, St. Ignatius Gym
Fridays, Salvation Army produce pantry, Staple boxes 2nd and 4th Fridays)
Saturdays, Sanford Farmers’ Market 8am-Noon, Central Park
Sanford Unitarian Universalist Church-Corner Cupboard
Sundays, AWS-Puppy Learn & Play, 2pm, 46 Holland Road, Kennebunk
Smitty’s Game Lab Sanford, Family Fun Sundays
Visit Sanford ( for Sanford School Sporting events.
Visit our Events Calendar for details on all these events and more.
Bald Eagle recently spotted in Springvale near Dunkin Donuts Photo: Tarrah Littlefield
Homefront facilitators Abi Brown, Jill Belleard and Kristi Carr Photo: Tammy Wells By Tammy Wells, York County Government A peer…
Emily Sheffield Phot: Autumn Bliss Photography By: Jennifer Davie How many hats can one person wear? That’s a challenge that…
Snowshoeing is a great way to explore snow covered trails Photo Credit: Shalimar DeBusk By John Henkelman, Registered Maine Guide…
Compiled by Lisa Blanchette Visit our Events Calendar for details on these events and on events to come. ONGOING…
Sweetser’s Liz Smith (left) and Karen Dow were on hand at a recent Health & Wellness Fair to inform college…