Community Calendar: July 31-August 6, 2023

Community Calendar: July 31-August 6, 2023

Compiled By Lisa Blanchette, Events Editor

If your local organization has something upcoming make sure we know about it. We do our best to search for what’s happening in our community, but you can help by listing them as Facebook “events” rather than just a posting on your Facebook page, this gives us all the information about the event in a format that can be copied to our community calendar with ease and accuracy. You can also email us directly at

Monday, July 31

Baby Rhyme Time, 10 am, Springvale Public Library, 443 Main Street, Springvale

Kids Free to Grow-Nurturing Parenting-Infant, Toddler, & Preschoolers, 10-11:30 am, online (weekly through 9/25)

Sanford Food Pantry, 10:00 am-Noon, 1204 Main Street (weekly event)

Tuesday, Aug 1

Kids Free to Grow-Circle of Security Parenting, 10-11:30 am, online (weekly through 8/29)

Free Lunch hosted by York County Shelter at Sunset Tower, Noon-1pm (entry at 11:45), 941 Main Street (twice weekly)

Dining to Donate-A Sanford Music Boosters Fundraiser, All Day, Sanford Applebee’s, 1364 Main Street

Sanford Elks Bingo, 4:00 pm doors open, games start 6:00 pm, must be 18 years old with valid picture ID, 13 Elm Street (weekly)

City Council Meeting, 6:00 pm, Sanford City Hall, 919 Main Street.

Dulcimer For Beginners, 6-7pm, Louis B Goodall Memorial Library, 952 Main Street (through 8/8)

Maine Attraction Water Ski Adaptive Clinic, Number One Pond

Wednesday, Aug 2

Kids Free to Grow-Nurturing Parenting, 9:30-11:00 am, online (weekly through 9/20)

All Together Now! With The Seacoast Science Center, 10:30 am, Louis B Goodall Memorial Library, 952 Main Street

Enso Recovery Open House, 1pm, 14 Winter Street

Sam’s Book Club-Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus, 5:30 pm, Springvale Public Library, 443 Main Street, Springvale

Wednesday Night Bite/Free Community Meal, 6-7:00 pm, Curtis Lake Church, 38 Westview Drive (weekly event)

Thursday, Aug 3

Little Yogis, 10:00 am, Springvale Public Library, 443 Main Street, Springvale (6/15-8/3)

Free Lunch hosted by York County Shelter at Sunset Tower, Noon-1pm (entry at 11:45), 941 Main Street (twice weekly)

St. Therese of Lisieux Food Bank, Noon-2:00 pm, no residency requirement. FMI contact Barbara Russell 603-970-0306, 25 Riverside Ave. (weekly event)

Summer Reading Program Celebration Drum Circle, Springvale Public Library, 443 Main Street, Springvale

Sanford Backpack Program Free Community Food Distribution (Summer Series) 3-5:30 pm, 2 Locations Willard Building and Sanford High School, 668 Main Street and 100 Alumni Blvd (summer weekly event)

Career Center Job Fair @ Sanford Community Adult Education, 3-5 pm, 668 Main Street

Free Community Meal, 5:00 pm, New Beginnings Christian Church, 181 Grammar Road (weekly event)

Friday, Aug 4

Salvation Army Produce Pantry, 10:00 am-Noon, 871 Main Street (weekly event) Staple Boxes (2nd & 4th Fridays only)

Friday Story Time, 10am, Springvale Public Library, 443 Main Street, Springvale

Music on the Patio, Noon-1:00 pm, “Dann Wolfe” Springvale Public Library, 443 Main Street

Southern Main Area Agency on Aging-Medicare Series, 12:30-3:00 pm, Louis B. Goodall Memorial Library, 952 Main Street

First Friday Spaghetti Dinner, 5-7 pm, New Beginnings Christian Church, 181 Grammar Road

Saturday, Aug 5

UTNA Cup Series 3V3 Soccer Tournament, Shaw Field, Shaw Road

Sanford Farmers Market, 8:00 am-Noon, Central Park, 920 Main Street (weekly May-October)

Summer Yoga, 8:00-9:00 am, Pilot’s Cove Café, 199 Airport Rd. Bring your mat and water. Class led by YMCA yoga instructor. (7/8-8/26)

Mario Kart Tournament, Noon-3 pm, Louis B Goodall Memorial Library, 952 Main Street

Sunday, Aug 6

Chamber Talk Radio Show (New Day, Location, and Time), 7 am, 104.3 Seacoast Oldies,

Smitty’s Game Lab-Family Fun Sundays, All Day, 1327 Main Street (weekly Event)

Summer Splash, 11 am-2 pm, Curtis Lake Church, 38 Westview Drive

Coming Soon…

  • 8/7 Sanford Food Pantry
  • 8/7 Baby Rhyme Time
  • 8/7 Kids Free to Grow-Nurturing Parents (Infant, Toddler, Preschoolers)
  • 8/8 Kids Free to Grow-Circle of Security Parenting
  • 8/8 Elks Bingo
  • 8/8 Free Lunch @ Sunset Tower
  • 8/8 Municipal Operations & Property Subcommittee Meeting
  • 8/8 Public Safety Subcommittee Meeting
  • 8/8 Red Cross Blood Drive
  • 8/8 Zoning Subcommittee Meeting
  • 8/8 Student Sports Physicals
  • 8/8 Sanford Police National Night Out
  • 8/8 Matthew Meal
  • 8/9 Lank Bank Authority Meeting
  • 8/9 Kids Free To Grow-Nurturing Parenting
  • 8/9 Fire Station Feasibility workgroup meeting
  • 8/9 Friends of Downtown Meeting
  • 8/9 Family Movie Night
  • 8/10 Senior Citizen Food Mobile at CrossRoads UMC
  • 8/10 Free Lunch @ Sunset Tower
  • 8/10 Job Fair
  • 8/11 Salvation Army Staples Box Distribution
  • 8/11 Music on the Patio: Sanford Opera (Springvale Public Library)
  • 8/12 Bike Fest
  • 8/12 Farmers’ Market
  • 8/12 Yard Sale CrossRoads UMC
  • 8/12 Operation Screaming Eagle
  • 8/13 Sanford Springvale Little League-Run the bases after the Red Sox Game
  • 8/13 Chamber Talk Radio Show

Visit our Events Calendar for details on all these events and events to come.

If your organization has an event coming up and you don’t see it here, contact us at we can add it!

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