City Council Candidates: Nicholas J. Taylor

City Council Candidates: Nicholas J. Taylor

Nicholas Taylor has resided in Sanford for 16 years. After five years of service in the U.S. Navy, he continued to work for the government in civilian service and for ten years has held a managerial position with experience in leading teams. As an officer of the Sanford ATV Club for the past three years, he has had the opportunity to work with city officials.

He feels that many community concerns are not being heard, and that more open-minded thinking is necessary to address these issues. He believes his thoughts and ideas can help lead to positive changes for our community. As a City Council member, he could ask the difficult questions, and rely on facts and data to make decisions, putting his personal opinions aside. His experience in working with many personality types and finding ways to compromise are also strengths he feels he can bring to the office.

Mr. Taylor agrees that the mask ordinance enacted by the Council last month was necessary to protect residents inside enclosed businesses. However, he disagrees with the decision to close parks and recreational facilities. “The decision to close the parks was made without adequate supporting data or a plan of when it would be safe to reopen,” he said, calling it “a fear-based decision.”

He would like to see the Council be more proactive in finding solutions to homelessness and drug abuse in our community. He recommends the establishment of a Homelessness Subcommittee, and wants Sanford to support better drug abuse recovery programs, to assist those looking for help in turning their lives around.

Youth development is another area he would prioritize. The city has done a great job in expanding our schools, he said, but added that he would like to see more support for youth programs not affiliated with the schools that supplement development of our children.  He would work with established programs to figure out their biggest obstacles, and bring recommendations back to the City Council for support. 

As a City Councilor, Mr. Taylor would work to improve Sanford’s reputation with the business community. “Increased costs and headaches associated with planning, development, and ownership of property are causing property owners to increase rent and business expenses for small business owners,” he said. He would work with the newly established business coalition to determine the root cause of the concerns and address them accordingly.  “I believe this initiative would break down barriers and open the doors to increased economic development,” he added.

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