Category: Sports

Sports Notes: July 8, 2023

Compiled by Sam Bonsey Sports Physicals for Sanford High School and Middle School Athletes  Sanford Middle School and Sanford High School Athletes who need a physical will be able to receive one on Tuesday, August 8th, from 3-5 p.m. at Sanford High School in Room D105.  Please use the Community Retail Center entrance near the greenhouse. The cost is $20.  Checks can be made payable to York Hospital. Students must be accompanied by their parent/guardian or have the Limited Sports…

First Integrated Basketball Game in Maine 

Bucky Lew and his Lowell Five teammates by Chris Boucher Did you know the first integrated basketball game in Maine took place in Sanford in 1913?   The groundbreaking event took place when Harry “Bucky” Lew, basketball’s first Black professional, brought his Lowell Five to old Town Hall in Springvale Village to face the local team.  Of course, the Town Hall still stands today and is in fact remarkably well preserved. The current home of the Sanford-Springvale Historical Society, it’s one…

Sanford Mainers Recap

The Sanford Mainers walked off with a 4-3 win over the Bristol Blues on Monday,June 26th, at Goodall Park. The Mainers took advantage of two errors in the bottom of the ninth to score twice after trailing 3-2 heading into the inning. On Tuesday, June 27th, Devan Blade homered and drove in four runs, and the Mainers broke the game open with a five-run fifth inning to beat the North Shore Navigators, 15-10, in Lynn, Massachusetts. Nicholas Roselli, Jeremiah Jenkins and…

Sports Report

Summer Soccer Camp Registration  Registration for Summer Soccer Camp at Shaw Field is now open. The camp runs from Monday, July 15th, to Thursday, July 20th. Sessions for children ages 5-12 are 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Sessions for boys and girls ages 13 and up are 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Registration costs $125 and includes a free t-shirt. Click this link to register. Sanford High School Junior Olivia Guinard Named to All-State Tennis Team  Sanford High School junior Olivia Guinard…

Are you a Sports Nut?

Are you a “Sports Nut” here in Sanford / Springvale and looking for something fun to do? The Sanford Springvale News is looking for you! Not a writer? Not to worry! We just need someone to join our dedicated group of volunteers and help put together local sports news (primarily from online sources) such as Mainers' game results, special achievements by Spartans teams and athletes, registration alerts for youth sports leagues, and more. If you think you might be interested, contact our…

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