Category: School News

School Notes

On Thursday night a small fire in the heating system at Margaret Chase Smith School resulted in school being cancelled on Friday. A built-in safety feature in the heating system shut off the flow of propane, putting the fire out quickly. The system has since been repaired. The Sanford School Department has an online survey for parents/guardians of students who are on the hybrid learning plan (currently attending school two days a week). They now hope to expand in-person instruction…

School Committee Wants Kids Back in School

The five members of the Sanford School Committee have directed Superintendent of Schools Matt Nelson to figure out how to have students in schools more days per week. Except when a school or class goes to full remote learning because of an outbreak, most Sanford students are taught on a hybrid model, with two days a week of in-school instruction, and three days of remote learning at home. At their February 8 meeting, School Committee members heard comments from some…

Performing Arts Center Update

The Sanford Performing Arts Center is now in the black, and is in great shape to restart programming next fall, according to School Committee member Paula Cote. Recent postcard mailings, and the “Free For All” series of performances paid for by Covid grant funds, have raised SPAC’s visibility in the community. Since December 15, the steering committee has received over $3,000 in donations to continue SPAC’s mission of providing educational and cultural enrichment opportunities to foster the development, understanding, and…

Learning In a Pandemic: Survey Results

The Sanford School Department recently conducted a survey of parents, students and teachers about their experiences with the hybrid instruction model so far this year. Curriculum Director Beth Lambert presented the results to the School Committee at its January 25 meeting. Parents 38% of Elementary School Parents, 44% of Middle School parents and 63% of High School parents responded. Overall, parents of elementary school students were the most satisfied with how the school system has handled health and safety issues,…

School Notes 1/24

Congratulations to Sanford High School junior Laila Adawadkar, who is 1 of 30 students and (1 of 2 females) accepted to the U.S. Navy Sea Cadet Arctic Buoy Program.  She will research and build buoys that will be deployed in the Arctic Ice Sheet. Barring any unforeseen staffing issues or new Covid concerns, in-person learning will resume at all Sanford public schools on Monday, January 25. The Maine Principals' Association (MPA) recently announced a decision to allow counties with a “yellow”…

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