Category: Planning & Development

November Planning Board Update

A site plan shows how the former Springvale District Courthouse will be developed as senior housing. By Jack McAdam The Sanford Planning Board has cleared the way for the former Springvale District Courthouse to be remodeled as affordable housing. At its Nov. 20 meeting, the board unanimously approved a final site plan for the Sanford Housing Authority proposal. The project will provide 18 apartments available to seniors who meet income eligibility guidelines. The courthouse has been vacant since last summer,…

Planning Board Updates

Springvale District Courthouse is on the way to being remodeled as apartments. Photo: Gail Burnett Photo2: An architect’s drawing shows the exterior of Jagger Lofts, in the Jagger mill building. By Gail Burnett The Sanford Planning Board moved forward in October on two projects that will convert well-known buildings in town into housing. On Oct. 2, the board approved a preliminary subdivision site plan for the former District Courthouse in Springvale. The Sanford Housing Authority is proposing an 18-unit senior…

Campground Rules Move Forward

By Gail Burnett A controversial campground ordinance moved one step closer to enactment Sept. 18 when the Sanford Planning Board voted to send it on to the City Council. The ordinance, revised after a Sept. 4 public hearing, would set a minimum size for any new campground at five acres and require a 75-foot setback and a 50-foot vegetated buffer from abutting property. Each campsite would have to be 200 square feet or larger and have off-street parking. Campgrounds could…

Projects Kept Planners Busy in August

A site plan shows parking spaces and other changes proposed for the Jagger mill building on Water Street in Springvale. Photo: City of Sanford By Kendra Williams The Sanford Site Plan Review Committee took a first look at the apartment project proposed for the Jagger mill in Springvale and approved changes to the Veterans Memorial Cemetery during their Aug. 20 meeting. Jagger Lofts would turn the historic mill on Water Street in Springvale into 80-85 apartments. Developers, who were also…

Planning Update: YCCC Expansion, Paper Streets

Clark Avenue and Camp Street By Kendra Williams At its July 17 meeting the Sanford Planning Board unanimously approved a proposed expansion of the Sanford Industrial Trades Learning Center at 60 Community Drive. The new addition will include welding labs, classrooms and office space. On July 2, the Site Plan Review Committee considered an application by RED LLC for an amendment to a major subdivision and private way that was created in 1922, to change 22 lots to five larger…

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