Category: Out in the Woods

Out In the Woods

Beech bark cankers Photo: Kevin McKeon Editor’s note: Did you see something unusual last time you were out in the woods? Were you puzzled or surprised by something you saw? Ask our “Out in the Woods” columnist Kevin McKeon. He’ll be happy to investigate and try to answer your questions. Email him directly at: Insidious Disease Stunts and Kills Beech By Kevin McKeon, Director, Mousam Way Land Trust While walking Sanford’s wonderful trail system, many interesting forces of nature…

Out In The Woods

Photo: Vines Arboretum Pines Producing Bumper Cone Crop By Kevin McKeon, Director, Mousam Way Land Trust Have you noticed all the pinecones on the forest floor this winter? This has been an uncommonly abundant year. Only once every three to five years do white pine trees produce abundant seeds. These seeds are a mainstay in the diets of birds such as red crossbills, chickadees, nuthatches, pine siskin, and grosbeaks, and mammals such as snowshoe hares, porcupines, deer, red and gray…

Out In The Woods

A kiosk built by Eagle Scout Will Kiley commemorates the sunken rail car Photo: Kevin McKeon Legend of Lost Rail Car Proved True By Bud Johnston and Kevin McKeon, Directors, Mousam Way Land Trust Many tales have been told about a railroad locomotive that ran off the tracks at the Deering Pond area in Springvale. Some say that a locomotive train ran off the tracks at full speed along the foot of the pond, flying into the pond and landing…

Out In The Woods: Dead Trees Support Many Kinds of Life

Cavity in dead poplar tree Photo Credit: University of Massachusetts Correction: Last week we mistakenly printed the byline for this column incorrectly. The Deering Pond article should have been credited as follows: Deering Pond - By Kevin McKeon, Director, Mousam Way Land Trust, Adapted from The Natural History of Deering Pond 1 By Gordon "Bud" Johnston. And the footnote should have been listed as follows: 1. The Natural History of Deering Pond, by Dr. Gordon S. Johnston, Professor of Biology,…

Out in the Woods: Deering Pond History

Skim ice on Deering PondPhoto credit: Lee Burnett By Kevin McKeon, Director, Mousam Way Land Trust. Adapted from The Natural History of Deering Pond 1 by Gordon "Bud" Johnston.   Tombegewoc, an Abenaki word meaning “place of the rocky reef in the pond,” describes Deering Pond in Springvale on early maps of the area. John Deering of Old Kittery inherited the land surrounding the pond from his grandfather, John Lydston, who in 1744 was granted the land by the Crown for his services—including…

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