Category: Nature

Uncontrolled Dog vs Leash Law

by Lauren Masellas, Sanford Animal Control Officer Not long ago, we discussed the 2022 call statistics involving loose dogs. This has become the number one complaint for Animal Control in recent years, even beating out stray cat calls, which is something! So naturally, I will be focusing a lot of attention on loose dogs in the coming year. You have been warned! ;-) Often times when I talk to both owners and complainants about this issue, there seems to be…

Mocha is Back Home!

Many Sanford residents have been anxiously following the story of Mocha, a 1 1/2 year old brown mini-labradoodle who went missing from her State St. home on January 6, not long after being adopted. Sanford Animal Control Officer Lauren Masellas and Maine Lost Dog Recovery (MLDR) volunteers followed up on tips from the public to track her down. The good news this week is that after 19 days out in the cold, Mocha was secured and returned to her family…

Fishing Derbies on Thin Ice

Local ice fishing derbies are a highlight of the winter season for many families – but warmer than normal temperatures this year have led to one being postponed already, and whether any will go ahead as planned all depends on Mother Nature getting the mercury down to where it should be, and keeping it there long enough for a solid surface to form. The Springvale Fish and Game Club’s Annual Mousam Lake Ice Fishing Derby is the first one up,…

All About Assistance Dogs

Service Dog – Therapy Dog -  Emotional Support Dog – Comfort Dog ??? by Lauren Masellas, Animal Control Officer, Sanford Police Department The terms "service dog," "therapy dog, "comfort dog" and "emotional support dog" are tossed around regularly, but are often vague and misunderstood. In what may be a rather lengthy discussion, I am going to attempt to unravel the mystery of the Service or Not Service Dog conundrum! First let’s get the term “dog” out of the way, because…

Here Doggie Doggie!

by Lauren Masellas, Animal Control Officer I am pleased to report that the citizens of Sanford/Springvale are taking very good care of their furry family members! Our neglect/abuse calls for service dropped in 2022 and far fewer of our four-legged residents have found themselves in our care. We do, however, still have issues with dogs being allowed to run at large. I understand that “every dog has his day.” And most all of these calls were no doubt unintentional. That…

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