Category: City Council

City Council Meeting Summary: September 8

The Sanford City Council met via Zoom on Tuesday, September 8. The following items were among those presented or discussed: Charles Tetelman, a student from the University of Southern Maine who worked with Sanford’s Land Bank Authority over the summer, presented his report on the positive impact of the Land Bank’s activities on property values. In some of the areas in the city where values have been negatively affected by problem properties, he showed how the demolition or rebuilding of…

City Council Meeting Summary: August 18, 2020

The Sanford City Council met via Zoom on Tuesday, August 18. The following items were among those presented or discussed: City Manager Steven Buck reported that progress is being made on acquiring title to the Stenton Trust building so that it can be transferred to the pending developer. There are some minor environmental concerns with the property. The developer has shown an interest in handling these issues, rather than waiting years for EPA resolution.A marijuana grower license application was granted…

City Council 8/4 Meeting Summary

The Sanford City Council met via Zoom on Tuesday, August 4. The following items were among those presented or discussed: City Manager Steven Buck reported that he has been assured by the Bureau of Motor Vehicles that the closure of the Springvale office will not be permanent. An official from the BMV told him they are currently short staffed and have moved some of the Springvale staff to the Kennebunk office, leaving Springvale without enough employees to open safely.Mr. Buck…

Mill Rate To Drop To $20.16

At the City Council meeting on August 4, City Manager Steven Buck reviewed the fiscal year 2020/2021 city budget projection and the Assessor's report of valuation with the Council. He reported that new construction and increases in property valuation have resulted in a significant increase in the total current assessment of property in Sanford and Springvale. New value has added more than $20 million to the City's total assessment, while market value has increased nearly $60 million over last year.…

City Council 7/21 Meeting Summary

The Sanford City Council met via Zoom on Tuesday, July 21. The following items were among those presented or discussed: City Manager Steven Buck announced that Sanford has received a refund of $12,876 from the Maine Municipal Association for Worker’s Compensation insurance.It was announced that the filing period to run for election to city offices will begin on Friday, July 24. See the full story.Beth Della Valle, Director of Planning and Development for the city, introduced new city planner Molly…

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