Category: City Council

Cable TV Choice Coming to Sanford

Sanford and Springvale residents will soon have a second option for cable television service, if all goes as planned. At the City Council meeting on May 5, a public hearing was opened on the pending negotiation of a franchise agreement with Comcast. Attorney Ben Plante of Drummond Woodsum has been working with the City on the negotiations, and he gave a summary of the major components that have been agreed on so far. Comcast is offering a ten-year cable franchise…

City Council Rules Changes Proposed and Debated

At its May 5 meeting, the City Council discussed proposed changes to its Rules and Order of Business, which governs procedures at meetings, appointments to committees, Councilor communications, and other items. The document was last updated in January. The proposed changes include: Section 2: Moving the adjournment time up from 10:00 p.m. to 9:30. The 10:00 time was set when meetings began at 7:00, but now they start at 6:00. Councilor Jonathan Martell suggested that 9:00 p.m. would be preferable.…

Police Department Modernizing with Power DMS System

At its meeting on May 4, the City Council approved the purchase of a Power DMS system for the Sanford Police Department at an annual cost of $7,974.25, which includes periodic updates. The funds for the system will come out of the Department’s operating expenses in the 2021-2022 budget, and in future years would be included in the contract services budget. Deputy Police Chief Craig Andersen explained that the system will help the Department better manage policies and training, and…

City Council 4/20 Meeting Summary

Mayor Anne-Marie Mastraccio led the Pledge of Allegiance and asked for a moment of silence. All Councilors were present. In her regular report, Mayor Mastraccio spoke about testifying before the State Legislature’s Labor and Housing Committee in support of a bill submitted by Councilor/Representative John Tuttle, regarding workers compensation for public sector employees. She and Councilor Bob Stackpole reported on last week’s Subcommittee meetings. Councilor Tuttle gave a legislative update. He said there is enthusiasm among lawmakers to increase general…

Subcommittee Meeting Reports

The Sanford City Council's Subcommittees met on April 13. The following is a brief summary of what was discussed at each meeting. Municipal Operations & Property Matt Hill, Director of Public Works, and Mindee Goodrum of the York County Soil and Water Conservation District, brought forward a solution to reduce erosion into Bauneg Beg Lake. On the City’s right-of-way off Shady Lane, sediment is washing into the lake, affecting the water quality. They plan to remove the stone steps that…

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