Category: City Council

Stenton Trust Highlight of Growth Council Update

Jim Nimon, Executive Director of the Sanford Regional Economic Growth Council, presented his quarterly report to the City Council at its meeting on July 20. The biggest news was that there has been progress with the development of the long-vacant Stenton Trust building on River St. WinnDevelopment, a Massachusetts-based company, has submitted a preapplication to Maine Housing, which is a first step in converting the former industrial building to residential use. The remaining structure includes 107,000 square feet of space.…

Subcommittee Reports

Municipal Operations and Property Council Rules: At the City Council’s Municipal Operations and Property Subcommittee meeting on July 13, the first item on the agenda regarded proposed updates to the Council’s Rules and Order of Business, also known as the Rules of Procedure. The updates are needed due to recent amendments to state law. Under the new law, any public meeting which includes three or more elected officials requires them to meet in person, but allows officials to participate remotely…

City Council 7/6 Meeting Summary

All Councilors were present. Councilor Jonathan Martell led the Pledge of Allegiance and asked for a moment of silence. In her report, Mayor Anne-Marie Mastraccio thanked Lorisa Ricketts, the City Manager’s Executive Assistant, for her excellent work in compiling the Council’s minutes. She announced that the next Council meeting will be held in person at the Council Chambers in City Hall. Attendees are welcome, but she asked that anyone who has not had the Covid-19 vaccine wear a face covering.…

City Council 6/15 Meeting Summary

All Councilors were present except John Tuttle, who was in Augusta with the state Legislature. Mayor Anne-Marie Mastraccio led the Pledge of Allegiance and asked for a moment of silence in memory of Richard Burgess and his wife Ida, who were being buried at the Veterans Cemetery on Wednesday. Because of the very lengthy agenda, the Mayor’s report and Subcommittee reports were skipped. City Manager Steven Buck reported the new Mineral Extraction Task Force met for the first time on…

Sanford Housing Authority Update

Diane Gerry, Executive Director of the Sanford Housing Authority, and Kim LaChance, Chair of the Board of Directors, presented their annual report to the City Council on June 15. Ms. Gerry gave an overview of SHA, which serves the surrounding communities of Alfred, Kennebunk, Lebanon, North Berwick, Wells, Shapleigh and Acton, as well as Sanford and Springvale. Ms. LaChance told the Council that during the pandemic, SHA has been able to continue fulfilling its mission to provide safe, quality and…

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