Back to School Information

By Matt Nelson, Superintendent of Schools

It’s hard to believe, but the first day of school is less than a month away! Below you will find important information regarding the upcoming school year and details about a discussion of our proposed Return to School Plan at the next School Committee meeting.

School starting dates:

  • Grades 1 Through 9 – Monday, August 30
  • Grades 10 Through 12 – Tuesday, August 31
  • Kindergarten – Wednesday, September 1
  • Pre-Kindergarten – Tuesday, September 7

Early Release Wednesdays will begin September 8, with SMS and SHS dismissed at 1:20, and all elementary schools dismissed at 2:00.

Fall athletics begin August 16.

Based on the latest CDC/Maine DOE guidance, we are preparing revised health and safety protocols to help students and staff stay safe in school. Our goal is to have all students return to in-person learning five days a week. I will present our proposed Return to School Plan at the School Committee’s Summer Meeting on Wednesday, August 11, at 6:00 pm. This plan will cover PPE requirements, transportation, remote learning options, social distancing, strategies to address educational growth and many other important items. Click here for options to attend, view or submit public comments for this meeting.

Remote learning options will be limited and considered only for students with a medical condition verified by a
medical provider. Each IEP or 504 Team will determine the ultimate design of these students’ plans. Click
for the remote learning application process.

The success we achieved last year was due to the support we received from the community. Almost all of our
COVID-19 cases in Sanford schools originated outside of the school environment. COVID-19 vaccinations are
the most effective tool we have for in-person learning; if you are eligible to receive a vaccination and are not
currently vaccinated, I urge you to do so as soon as possible.

Further information will be coming to you from your child’s school regarding official start times, bus routes
and other building specific information.

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