Friends of Downtown Gearing Up for First Event

Friends of Downtown Gearing Up for First Event

The newly-formed Friends of Downtown group met at Frannie’s Mini Donuts on Wednesday, July 14 to brainstorm events to bring people into downtown Sanford. There was a lot of enthusiasm to get started quickly, and several great suggestions for events were made.

The National Night Out is hosted by the Sanford Police Department in Central Park each summer, and provides opportunities for families to connect with local service agencies and learn about their work. The free hamburgers and hotdogs draw a good crowd. This year’s National Night Out is scheduled for Thursday, August 26, with a rain date of August 30.

The Friends of Downtown plan to expand on the National Night Out by adding an art activity for kids, live music and a dunk tank. (Rumors that Mayor Mastraccio will be in the dunk tank are unfounded!) Local restaurants and other businesses will be invited to participate with a table or booth. The portion of School Street next to the park will be shut down to provide ample space for these activities. Look for more information as it becomes available.

Other suggestions for upcoming events the Friends of Downtown might organize included an Art Walk or Art Festival, more live concerts or an Open Mike Night, a community Science Fair, a road race, block party or Taste of Sanford event. Are you interested in helping Sanford’s downtown grow and thrive with fun events like these? Join us for the next meeting on Wednesday, July 28 at 4:30 p.m. at Frannie’s. RSVP to if you would like to attend.

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