Fire Department Log: June 20-26

Fire Department Log: June 20-26

The Sanford Fire Department provided mutual aid with three structure fires during the week. On Monday, June 20 at 1:16 a.m., our firefighters provided assistance to the North Berwick Fire Department with a fire on High St. On Friday, June 25 at 3:25 p.m., SFD provided aid to Shapleigh firefighters with a house fire on Cross Rd. Later that day, just before midnight, assistance was provided to the Wells Department with a house fire on Ocean Ave.

Sanford firefighters also responded to a vehicle fire on Thursday, June 24, on Mount Hope Rd. The vehicle was smoking when they arrived at 10:26 p.m., fortunately there were no injuries.

In addition to responding to a motor vehicle accident with injuries, Sanford EMS personnel handled 40 other calls and gave assistance to invalids twice. They also responded to five motor vehicle accidents without injuries during the week.

The Department also responded to a call for possible smoke and another for a water problem. Public service assistance was provided on two additional calls.

In addition to four activations for malfunctioning and unintentional smoke and fire alarms, there were three activations of the municipal alarm system described as malicious false alarms.

One call was dispatched and cancelled en route, and on another, there was no incident found upon arrival.

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