Covid-19 Update: March 18

Covid-19 Update: March 18

Cases of Covid-19 in our community zigged up again this week, after zagging downward the previous week. With data as of March 14, Sanford has now had a cumulative total of 1,079 cases of the virus (up 25 from last week), and Springvale has had a total of 261 (up 6 from last week). The combined cumulative total of cases is now 1,340.

There have been 476 new cases of the virus in York County in the two-week period ending March 17, compared to 447 new cases in the previous two-week period. Cases across the state and across the country are trending upward as well.

As of March 17, 25.43% of Mainers have received the first dose of the vaccine, while 15.12% are now fully vaccinated. In York County, those numbers are 23.61% and 12.62%, respectively.

City Manager Steven Buck gave an update on the pandemic to the City Council on Tuesday. He has heard through York County Emergency Management that the state will start pushing more vaccine doses to York County, to enable us to catch up with the rest of the state. He also reported that St. Thomas School has been added to the list of outbreaks. The state will be issuing guidance on outdoor festivals and parades soon, which will help the city plan for Memorial Day and July 4th celebrations.

Also at the City Council meeting, Councilor Bob Stackpole praised the smooth operation of the Sanford Vaccine Center. He said the entire process of getting his shot took less than half an hour. He encouraged everyone to get vaccinated: “Don’t hesitate, it’s fabulous, well-run, and a piece of cake.”

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