High School & SRTC Start Date Delayed

High School & SRTC Start Date Delayed

by Matt Nelson, Superintendent of Sanford School District

Good afternoon.  The Mills Administration today released a special update to its Health Advisory System that classifies counties’ relative risk of COVID-19 transmission by color. The Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) re-categorized York County from green to yellow due to increases in the number of cases per capita, a positivity rate three times above the state average and five new outbreaks in York County in the last two weeks. A number of new cases in York County cannot be readily traced to known outbreaks, suggesting increased community transmission.

This information, combined with recent events in Sanford, have me concerned about an increased level of community risk. I have decided to delay the start date for Sanford High School and Sanford Regional Technical Center from Tuesday, September 8th to Monday, September 14th to give us time to monitor the potential spread.  I realize the timing of this decision is not ideal. I also recognize the hardship it places on families but I believe it is the best decision under the circumstances. 

Sanford High School will make technology available for students to pick up next week; Principal Petermann will announce the schedule later this weekend. 

To reiterate, students in grades 9-12 will begin school on Monday, September 14.  Based on current circumstances, all K-8 students will also start on Monday, September 14th with K-4 students beginning in-person as planned and 5-8 Sanford Middle School students beginning remotely due to school construction issues.

I appreciate your patience and understanding.  I hope everyone enjoys the upcoming Labor Day weekend.  Stay safe and healthy.

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