Fire and Police

Fire and Police

Compiled by Jordan Wilson, Sanford Communications Director

Fire Station Updates: The site survey work is in its final stages, with the geotechnical boring analysis beginning. Simultaneously, internal arrangements and square footage calculations for the new facilities are being addressed. Upon the completion of the site survey and finalization of layouts, the City will collaborate with the engineers to develop a comprehensive cost estimate and create draft renderings for the new stations.

Fire Department Calls for Service: In the month of August the Sanford Fire Department responded to 343 calls for service. Call breakdown:

  • Rescue & Emergency Medical Service- 263
  • Service Calls- 23
  • False Alarm & False Call- 22
  • Good Intent Call- 15
  • Hazardous Condition (No Fire)- 11
  • Severe Weather & Natural Disaster- 5
  • Fires- 2
  • Overpressure rupture, explosion, overheat (No Fire)- 2

Fire Prevention Month: October is recognized as Fire Prevention Month, shedding light on the crucial role that fire prevention plays in our community. Education stands at the forefront of these efforts. Recently, the Department visited students at Margaret Chase Smith School, taking the time to educate and reinforce safety protocols among the students The presentation featured the gear worn by our dedicated firefighters when responding to incidents, highlighting its pivotal role in ensuring their safety. (See Photo)

Fires have a widespread impact, affecting everyone in our community. Whether they occur in homes or businesses, fires can displace people, lead to financial hardships, and even leave buildings in a state of disrepair. In the case of businesses, the economic impact ripples out to affect owners, patrons, and supporting industries. In essence, fire prevention is an essential endeavor that benefits everyone in our community.

Effective fire prevention education encompasses a comprehensive risk reduction program for the community. It includes education, the implementation of relevant laws, and the diligent enforcement of these measures, all of which are essential components of reducing fire-related risks. The elderly may require education tailored to their unique risks, and adults also stand to gain from such initiatives. However, particular success has been seen in educating children to spread awareness of fire safety.

Fire prevention measures bring about a positive impact on the community by saving lives and protecting property. This, in turn, fosters a safer community and has a positive economic influence.

Sanford Regional Communications Center (Dispatch) Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Updates: The police chiefs in York County Police Chief recently met to discuss the best way to proceed with a new CAD. There was a general consensus that all agencies should transition to a new CAD platform, with the aim of utilizing the same system. This unified approach is intended to preserve the cross-agency information sharing capabilities that are currently used with IMC.

Among the CAD options under consideration, a few chiefs were in favor of using the Central Square product, “Pro-Suite.” Sanford Communications Director Director Bill Tower met with the County Manager, Mr. Greg Zinser, to explore the possibility of developing a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the entire county. Director Tower is scheduled to attend the upcoming Police Chiefs meeting to discuss this potential option with the group.

Sanford Police Department Updates: Deputy Chief Eric Small is currently attending the esteemed FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia. During this intensive training program, DC Small is equipping himself with valuable knowledge that he plans to bring back to enhance the capabilities of the Sanford Police Department.

Sanford Police Department Calls for Service: In the month of September, the Sanford Police Department received a total of 3,091 calls for service. This includes

  • Animal Complaints: 147
  • Disturbances: 87
  • 911 Hang-ups: 76
  • Theft: 43
  • Burglary to include motor vehicle: 32
  • Domestic Disturbances: 31

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