Tranchemontagne Wins Council Seat; Stackpole Reelected; Simpson and Termath to School Committee

Tranchemontagne Wins Council Seat; Stackpole Reelected; Simpson and Termath to School Committee

In the election results from November 8, 2022, Peter Tranchemontagne led all candidates for Sanford City Council with 4,075 votes, and will take a seat on the Council beginning in January. Incumbent Robert Stackpole was the second place finisher, reelected with 3,161 votes.

Incumbent Michael Termath and challenger Oliver Jones III finished with 1,949 and 1,889 votes respectively.

City Councilor Becky Brink will become Sanford’s next Mayor. She ran unopposed for the seat. Her election will leave a vacant seat on the City Council, which may be filled by appointment or by a special election.

Melissa Simpson and Kelly Termath were elected to serve on the School Committee, with 4,337 and 3,207 votes respectively. Challenger Thomas Miscio received 2,529 votes.

The candidates for Sanford Water District Trustee and Sanford Sewerage District Trustee ran unopposed. Melissa Alipalo will serve a three-year term for the Water District, with Gregory Ackroyd and Rodney Laurendau taking seats on the Sewerage District board.

See the complete official vote tally below. 52.6% of registered voters cast a ballot.

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