2/26/24 School Committee Highlights

2/26/24 School Committee Highlights

By Kendra Williams

Members: Paula Cote, Amy Sevigny, Jennifer Davie, Melissa Simpson and Emily Sheffield

Student Representatives: Aiden Gendron, Emma Adawadkar and Elise Gendron. All were present.

Public Comment

Several parents, students and others spoke to advocate against eliminating the Alternative Education Program. See separate story. Michael Kane cautioned about the elimination of a teacher in the Health and PE Programs based on the large square footage of the building they cover as well as the outstanding qualifications of the teacher whose position would be cut.


Chair Paula Cote acknowledged and named the many people who sent in written letters advocating for the Alternative Education Program.

Student Representative Reports

Aiden: Representatives from the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard planned to come to Sanford Thursday, Feb. 29, to meet with students from the SRTC who might be interested in working there post high school.

Elise: The SHS Girls Basketball team did well. They made it to the semi-finals before they fell to Gorham.

Emma: Students recently returned from a trip to Greece that she described as “the trip of a lifetime.” She expressed her appreciation to those who made the trip possible and the chaperones.

The Sanford Spotlight Newsletter, with happenings in schools throughout the district from P-K to Adult Ed, was reviewed. You can find it Here

Superintendent’s Report

The following upcoming field trips were announced:

Key Club annual district convention, April 5-7 in Springfield, MA

Skills USA state competition for SRTC Students, March 14-15 in Bangor

SRTC Building Trades students are going to the Journal of Light Construction Trade Show on March 22 in Providence, RI.

Directors’ Reports

Assistant Superintendent Steve Bussiere announced that the P-K lottery had just opened Monday morning. There are 96 available slots across all elementary schools and SRTC for the 2024/25 school year. As of that afternoon, 80 had already registered for the lottery. The lottery will be closed in mid-March so parents of children selected can be notified in a timely way. Interested parents should register soon. There are no income guidelines. Free transportation and lunch are provided. The program runs a full school day from 8 am to 3 pm. More information can be found on the website at sanford.org or by calling the office.


Given the many comments about the Alternative Education Program, the committee voted to table the vote and scheduled another meeting for Thursday at 8 am to finalize the budget. There was to be an effort to hold the Thursday meeting in City Hall Chambers to allow for streaming and recording. A public notice will be sent out. Superintendent Nelson then presented the final budget as it currently stands.


The January financial report was tabled until the Thursday meeting.


Resignations, retirements, staff appointments and transfers were announced by Superintendent Nelson. His nomination of Julia Stanton as a special education teacher at CJL was unanimously approved.


Mr. Bussiere presented the second reading of the English Language Learner policy and procedure which was unanimously approved.

After calendar announcements, the meeting was adjourned at 7:47 pm.

You can view the full meeting here

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