Category: City Council

Proclamation Honoring Susan H. Cote

September 7, 2021 WHEREAS, Susan H. Cote is a long-standing member of Sanford’s municipal staff and is unfailinglyhelpful, patient, and diligent in her duties and a wonderful resource for her colleagues and the residents ofthe City of Sanford and the Village of Springvale; and WHEREAS, Sue has gone above and beyond the call of duty this past 18 months, helping to keep Sanford’scitizens safe while ensuring that they can continue to conduct their business during a pandemic; and WHEREAS, Sue…

City of Sanford Newsletter: August 2021

Created and sponsored by the Sanford City Council City-of-Sanford-Newsletter-8-21-FinalDownload

Council Approves Hiring 2 New Firefighters

The Sanford City Council met on August 17, and in a unanimous vote, approved amending the 2021-2022 Municipal Budget to include two new Firefighter/EMS positions. The funding of these positions was debated at length in budget discussions earlier this year. While they were not approved at that time, a majority of the Council said they would be favorable to adding the positions if a means could be found for doing so without impacting this year’s tax bills. City Manager Steven…

Subcommittee Reports

Four of the City Council’s Subcommittees met via Zoom on Tuesday, August 8. Here is a summary of what was discussed at each meeting. Municipal Operations and Property Road paving: Public Works Director Matt Hill updated the Subcommittee on the Capital Improvements Plan. He said the additional roads that got paved this year, outside of the CIP, were able to be done because the Department had some leftover funds in the budget. He described some of the roads as “perennial…

City Council 8/3 Meeting Summary

The Sanford City Council held their regular meeting on August 3. Councilors John Tuttle and Ayn Hanselmann were absent with notice. Mayor Anne-Marie Mastraccio began the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. In her report, she thanked everyone present for complying with her request to wear a mask. She announced the Police Department is forming a Citizens Advisory Group and urged anyone interested to complete the online application. Councilor Luke Lanigan asked if masks were…

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