Category: City & School Budgets

Council OKs Budget Adjustments: PAYT Bags to Increase to $16

City Manager Steve Buck (at podium) details his recommended budget amendments. Source: WSSR-TV By Zendelle Bouchard City Manager Steve Buck presented his recommended municipal budget for fiscal year 2024/25 to the City Council on March 19, 2024, after which Council members debated and approved several adjustments. One adjustment to the revenue side of the budget would increase the price of the orange Pay-As-You-Throw trash bags from $14.50 to $16 per package. Deputy Mayor Maura Herlihy noted that other area communities…

Council Looking for Further Budget Cuts

Superintendent of Schools Matt Nelson answers questions from the City Council. Source: WSSR-TV By Zendelle Bouchard At a workshop on March 5, 2024, the Sanford City Council heard overviews of the municipal and school budgets. After the presentations, Council members made it clear they are looking for further budget cuts, but disagreed on how low they were prepared to go. The Council will delve deeper into both budgets in additional workshops over the next two weeks. Municipal Budget City Manager…

SHS Alternative Education Program Stays in the Budget – For Now 

SHS Alternative Education program Director Karen Webb addresses the School Committee. Photo: WSSR-TV By Alexa Livingston and Zendelle Bouchard On Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024, at an emotional emergency meeting, the Sanford School Committee voted to keep Sanford High School’s Alternative Education program in the school budget for the 2024/25 fiscal year, but members of the Committee and Superintendent of Schools Matt Nelson made it clear that the program ultimately may not survive if the City Council demands further budget cuts. The…

School Committee Recommends Cutting 31 Positions in Tough Budget Year

L to R: Business Manager Cheryl Fournier, Superintendent Matt Nelson, School Committee Chair Paula Cote, Vice Chair Amy Sevigny, Committee members Jen Davie, Melissa Simpson and Emily Sheffield, Assistant Superintendent Steve Bussiere. Photo: WSSR-TV By Zendelle Bouchard The Sanford School Committee met in emergency session on Thursday morning, Feb. 29, 2024, to approve a budget recommendation that reflects a major reduction in teachers and other staff for the 2024/25 fiscal year. In all, 31 current positions are being axed in…

2/26/24 School Committee Highlights

By Kendra Williams Members: Paula Cote, Amy Sevigny, Jennifer Davie, Melissa Simpson and Emily Sheffield Student Representatives: Aiden Gendron, Emma Adawadkar and Elise Gendron. All were present. Public Comment Several parents, students and others spoke to advocate against eliminating the Alternative Education Program. See separate story. Michael Kane cautioned about the elimination of a teacher in the Health and PE Programs based on the large square footage of the building they cover as well as the outstanding qualifications of the…

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