Category: Budgets & Taxes

Fate of Budget Committee Under Review

The Charter Review Committee met April 4, 2022, and continued reviewing the City Charter. In addition to the Committee members, Superintendent of Schools Matt Nelson, School Committee member Jonathan Mapes and City Clerk Sue Cote were present. Article IV (City Manager) and Article V (Board of Education) were gone over without much discussion. Before diving into the individual sections of Article VI (Budget), the Committee members had an overarching discussion of the powers and composition of the Budget Committee, which…

School Budget Set for Voter Referendum in June

At its meeting on April 5, 2022, the Sanford City Council heard a presentation by Wesley Davie, Chair of the Budget Committee, on the recommended municipal and school budgets for fiscal year 2022/23. After voting unanimously to table the municipal budget until it could be discussed further at a workshop, the Council took up the School Department budget. The recommended School budget included appropriations of $58,894,561 and Capital Reserve spending of $363,995, against revenue of $43,780,711, leaving $15,477,845 to be…

Charter Review Committee Wants Your Input

The newly-appointed Charter Review Committee held its second meeting on March 28, 2022. Before beginning discussion on the Charter itself, the Committee discussed ways in which they can reach out to residents for input, and keep the review process as transparent as possible. There is now a link on the City of Sanford website ( that goes directly to the page for the Charter Review Committee where there's a form to fill out to send the Committee your comments and…

Budget Committee Approves Brownfields Bond for International Woolen Co. Property

At its meeting on March 24, 2022, the Budget Committee approved a request from the City’s Planning Department for a $1 million bond to provide matching funds needed to get a $5 million brownfields grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Interest on the bond would be budgeted under debt service over a ten year period. If the bond is also approved by the City Council, it will go before voters for the final say in November. At the previous…

Budget Committee Hears Details of Proposed City Budget

Municipal Revenue Sharing from the State Expected to Rise Sharply The City’s Budget Committee met for the first time this year on March 3, 2022. The Committee includes four citizen members – Wesley Davie, who was elected Chair; Aimee Garneau, elected Vice Chair; Lindsay Quinn, elected Secretary; and Melissa Alipalo. Deputy Mayor Maura Herlihy and City Councilors Robert Stackpole and Ayn Hanselmann are also members. City Manager Steve Buck presented his recommended 2022-23 budget, which he presented to the City…

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