Fire Department Log: September 12-25, 2021

Fire Department Log: September 12-25, 2021

In the two-week period ending September 25, the Sanford Fire Department responded to the following calls. Nine of the calls were for mutual aid to surrounding communities. While on a scene of a motor vehicle accident, Engine 2 was struck by another vehicle. No injuries resulted. Engine 2 is out of service until repairs can be completed (see photo below).

EMS call, excluding vehicle accident with injury134
Motor vehicle accident with injuries  2
Motor vehicle accident with no injuries5
Rescue or EMS standby1
Hazardous condition, other1
Gasoline or other flammable liquid spill1
Electrical wiring/equipment problem, other1
Power line down3
Water problem, other1
Smoke or odor removal1
Assist invalid10
Good intent call, other1
Dispatched & cancelled en route6
No incident found on arrival at dispatch address5
Steam, vapor or fog thought to be smoke1
Smoke detector activation due to malfunction6
CO detector activation due to malfunction1
Unintentional transmission of alarm, other1
Smoke detector activation, no fire – unintentional1
Alarm system activation, no fire – unintentional3
Citizen complaint1

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