The parking of vehicles is prohibited between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. from December 1 to April 1 on all of the following arterials: Route 202 (Lebanon Street), Winter Street, Cottage Street, Washington Street, River Street, Twombley Road, School Street, High Street, Grammar Street, Grammar Road, Route 224 and Pleasant Street, Oak Street, Jagger Mill Road, Old Mill Road, Emery Street, Main Street, Roberts Street, Beacon Street, Kimball Street, Berwick Road, Berwick Avenue, Shaw Road, Mt. Hope Road and New Dam Road. You will be ticketed or towed for parking on these streets between the dates listed.
If there is a snow event in the forecast, Sanford’s Public Works Director may declare a temporary ban on all on-street parking. Sanford Police are responsible for enforcing this ban, and may ticket or even tow your vehicle. You will NOT be ticketed or towed if the forecast was wrong and it doesn’t actually snow, but only for the streets not listed above.
Image by Kent DuFault from Pixabay
Cam White stick handles a puck across #1 Pond Photo: Connie Garber
Diana Allen feeds fish that provide nutrients in an aquaponics system that grows herbs and vegetables in a neighboring greenhouse…
The grant provides funds to the department to develop a pilot aimed at strengthening family-school connections and promoting academic growth.…
Kayden Cabezal, Lillie Trumble, Raven Carrick,. Not pictured: Cole Witt. Photo: Lisa Blanchette By Lisa Blanchette It’s not even June,…
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