From a press release
The University of Maine Cooperative Extension Master Gardener plant sale will be held on Saturday, May 18 from 8:30 am to noon at 15 Oak St., Springvale.
UMaine Extension Master Gardener Volunteers will be on hand to offer advice about plant selection and answer questions. Selections include native and pollinator plants, organic vegetable and herb seedlings, annuals and perennials. This year will highlight native plants and seedlings. Attendees can also learn more about Maine Master Gardener Volunteer projects, including Maine Harvest for Hunger, Kids Can Grow, and Pollinator-Friendly Garden Certification.
The Kids Can Grow program organizes monthly classes and hands-on learning for youth 7-12 years old during the spring, summer, and fall at the McKeon Reserve. The program supports 20 youth and families involving about 35 volunteers from MGV with support from Eldredge Lumber & Hardware and Coast of Maine Organic Products.
Proceeds from the plant sale benefit York County Master Gardener Volunteer projects in communities across York County including native plant demonstration gardens, the Garden Angel Program, Harvest for Hunger initiatives, and school gardens, all of which rely on Master Gardeners’ expertise and volunteer time. For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact Mary Wicklund at 207.324.2814 or
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