Paul Demers is a lifelong resident of Sanford. He graduated from Sanford High School in 1978 and earned a degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Maine in 1981.
In addition to serving as a Sewer District Trustee, he currently serves on the Zoning Board of Appeals, and is a former Airport Advisory Committee member. He has been employed by the town of Sanford in the past as Assistant Town Engineer and as a Code Enforcement Officer. He is currently employed with the State Fire Marshal’s Office as State Building Official.
Mr. Demers is running for reelection to continue the progress the district has made in the past 20 years in providing the City with a superior treatment facility that can aid the community in allowing for reasonable growth, while providing the highest level of environmental protection and maintaining fiscal responsibility.
In his next term, he looks forward to working on the plans to upgrade the aging system in local streets; continuing the process of closing out the onsite land fill; and expanding awareness of the natural, safe use of compost materials generated at the treatment plant.
As with the Water District, the primary job of a Sewer District Trustee is to provide oversight of the procedures and fiscal direction of the District; to assure that State and Federal guidelines for waste treatment are followed; and all environmental rules and standards are met. Mr. Demers said, “The oversight is a pleasure, as I am able to work with an excellent, knowledgeable, hard-working staff. We are all very fortunate to have such a great staff that has developed and improved over the years.”
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