Press Release
The Sanford Winter Color Guard and Sanford’s “Impact” Indoor Percussion both scored Gold Medals at the Maine Band Directors Association Finals competition, held Sunday, March 27, 2022 at Sanford High School. The staff, parents and fellow students are all immensely proud of the hard work, dedication and spirit shown by all the students involved in these groups.
Both performances were distinct crowd pleasers and brought huge cheers from the audience. The Winter Guard show was a dramatic evocation of the ghostly local legend of the Death Ship of Harpswell. Captain Mia Noon led her team to the gold! The Impact Percussion show, Glitch, had the performers playing a high-speed dynamic piece, while replicating the maddening effect that happens when your tech “glitches out.” Co-Captains Mason Nguyen, Brad Roy and Finn Hamblin accepted the gold medal for their group.
Student performers in both groups are not just from Sanford, but hail from surrounding communities and schools, including Massabesic, Kennebunk, Berwick, Wells. Both groups will be back performing next Winter.
Both groups performed their pieces in the SHS Instrumental Showcase March 8, which can be viewed on YouTube at
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