Sanford-Springvale Mousam Way Land Trust is happy to announce that it has been awarded a Walmart Community Grant Program Cybergrant from the Sanford store. This $1,000 grant will help to install a watering system for the Sanford Community Garden extension project, a project effectively doubling the number of the Garden’s raised beds to over 50.
The Garden, a part of the David and Linda Pence Community Ecology Center, is located within the 110 acre McKeon Environmental Reserve in Springvale. This project, a joint effort with the University of Maine Extension’s York County Master Gardener Volunteer program, helps community gardeners with any issues that crop up during the growing season—such as pest, weed, and disease control; soil testing methods and interpretation; various raised bed growing practices; fertilization options; and healthful gardening practices.
Gardeners grow food in their 4’ x 12’ raised beds for themselves, for various organizations, and for local food pantries. Tools, fertilizers, disease and pest control sprays are all provided for this organic gardening project. A produce washing sink, table and chairs, outdoor restroom, and 2 ½ miles of non-motorized trails are other amenities available.
Bald Eagle recently spotted in Springvale near Dunkin Donuts Photo: Tarrah Littlefield
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Compiled by Lisa Blanchette Visit our Events Calendar for details on these events and on events to come. ONGOING…
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