Photo of the Week

Family photo at Number One Pond along the Mousam Way trail. Photo: Terry Jellerson

Community Calendar: June 1-9, 2024 

Compiled by Lisa Blanchette, Events Editor  Visit our Events Calendar for details on these events and on events to come.   Saturday, June 1 15th Annual Arnie’s Ride in support of MCCP, 8 am, Sanford Elks Lodge, Elm St. Sanford Farmers’ Market, 8 am-noon, Central Park, 920 Main St. CJL PTA Color Fun Run, 8:30-11:00 am, CJL School, 233 Shaw’s Ridge Rd. Gun Give Back Event, 10 am-2 pm, Sanford Police Department, 935 Main St. Waypoint Music Fest, 2-6 pm,…

June 11 Election Information

Republican Candidates photo: L to R: Matt Harrington, Lucas Lanigan, Amy Bell, Ann Fredericks Compiled by Zendelle Bouchard, Connie Garber and Renée Morin Sanford voters will head to the polls on Tuesday, June 11 for the School Budget Validation referendum (see that story for more info), as well as for primary elections. This is the election to vote for the state, county and federal candidates from the Democratic, Republican and Green Independent parties to appear on the November 5 general…

Primary Election Features School Budget Referendum

By Kendra Williams Voters who go to the polls on June 11 to decide on parties’ candidates for next November’s election will also see a referendum on the school budget for 2024-25. The City Council recently approved a combined city and school budget that represents a 6.8% increase over the current budget, raising the mill rate – what property owners pay for each $1,000 of assessed value – from $15.14 to $16.17. It is possible that the rate could decrease…

Large Committee Starts Work on City Guidance Document

Photo: Sebastiaan ter Berg via Creative Commons By Lee Burnett, submissions editor The Sanford City Council recently named 31 people to a Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee to update the city’s long-range planning document, last updated in 2005. The group includes city councilors, city staff, business owners and citizens. They met for the first time on May 22 to get acquainted and orient themselves to the task ahead. The process will be led by City Planner Erin Moriarty, a veteran of…

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