News Notes: October 1, 2023

News Notes: October 1, 2023

Sanford/Springvale leads the top 10 cities/towns receiving payroll distributions from the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard (calendar year 2022)

By: Carolyn Cadigan

Shipyard impact: The Seacoast Shipyard Association has published the 2022 Report on the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard (PNSY) and its economic impact on the economy of southern Maine. As in past years, Sanford/Springvale residents make up the largest slice of the payroll pie at $40.8 million and sends the largest number of employees from Maine with 513. PNSY impacted the regional economy by $1.45 billion in 2022. In addition to payroll, Sanford/Springvale companies and local independent contractors have also benefitted by doing business with the Shipyard.

Good things come to those who wait: The Louis B. Goodall Memorial Library’s temporary location at 1364 Main St. in Shaw’s Plaza (next to Planet Fitness) opens Monday, Oct. 2. The library will remain in this location until extensive building renovations are complete in 2024. Any materials that were due during its closure in September can be returned to the temporary location in October. The transition is still in process, so some library services, including phones and a regular internet connection, are temporarily unavailable. To contact the library, either stop by the front desk or email

Free mammograms for uninsured women: Southern Maine Health Care is offering free mammograms for uninsured women 40 years old and over, who are Maine residents and are experiencing no active breast problems. Mammogram appointments will be held in Sanford on Thursday, Oct. 19, and in Biddeford on the following Thursday, Oct. 26. Registration is required and appointments are first come, first served. FMI or to schedule an appointment, call 207-283-7824.

Free YMCA membership for 13-year-old youths: To support an active and healthy lifestyle, the Sanford-Springvale YMCA is offering all 13-year-olds a free YMCA membership. A youth membership includes access to the wellness center, the pool during open and lap swim, locker rooms, priority program registration, discounted program rates and other benefits. FMI on this free youth membership program, go here or call 207-324-4942.

This is a test. This is only a test: FEMA, in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), will conduct a test of both the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) on Wednesday, Oct. 4. The nationwide tests are scheduled to begin at approximately 2:20 pm ET. The WEA portion of the test will be directed to all consumer cell phones, while the EAS portion of the test will be sent to radios and televisions. The purpose of the tests is to ensure that the systems continue to be an effective means of warning the public about emergencies.

Bowling competition may be right up your alley: Special Olympics York County and Sanford High School’s JMG program is pleased to announce the 4th annual Candlepin Bowling Competition to be held on Friday, Oct. 27, from 9 am to 1 pm at Bowl-A-Rama, located at 1217 Main St. in Sanford. The competition, for athletes in high school through adulthood, will be traditional singles and singles ramp bowling (athletes are not allowed to use bumpers). No experience necessary! The cost is $11 per athlete and includes a pizza lunch. Payment by cash or check made payable to Bowl-A-Rama is due Friday, Oct. 6, and can be dropped off or mailed to Sanford High School. All athletes must be registered and paid by Oct. 6. FMI or to register, contact or phone/text 207-735-5295

Special Housing Report: Jordan Wilson, the City of Sanford’s Communications Coordinator, has published a special issue of the Main Street Memo this week with a focus on housing. She sums up all the information presented to the City Council at its recent Housing Workshop, including the annual report from the Land Bank, an explanation of Tax Increment Financing and how it benefits the City, the latest update from York County Shelter Programs, information about Housing First, and more. You can read it all here.

Flu shots help fight hunger through Sanford Backpack Program: ConvenientMD Urgent Care in Sanford has pledged to donate $1 to the Sanford Backpack Program for every free flu shot administered during the month of October. The Backpack Program serves those in the community experiencing hunger by providing nutritious food through innovative distribution programs. ConvenientMD, which offers free flu shots for all patients, is located at 1420 Main St. in Sanford, and is open every day from 8 am to 8 pm with no appointment needed.

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