My Child Knows More Than Me…A Parent/Guardian Informational Night on Internet Safety
Haddock Dinners: The St. Thomas Council Knights of Columbus will once again host Lenten Haddock Dinners this year, beginning Friday, March 4 and continuing on each Friday through April 8. Dinners will be held from 5:00 -7:00 p.m. at St. Ignatius Gymnasium/Cafeteria, 25 Riverside Avenue. The cost is $12 for adults and $6 for children under 12, with a maximum of $35 per family. The proceeds of dinners will be donated to the following: 1) St. Thomas School Scholarship Fund; 2) St. Thérèse of Lisieux Parish; 3) Waban; 4) St. Thérèse Food Closet; 5 & 6) Knights of Columbus Charities. The Knights of Columbus strongly recommend that face masks are worn unless you are seated.
Successful Derby: The Sanford Elks MCCP Committee appreciates all who supported their 12th Annual Square Pond Fishing Derby on Sunday, February 20th. Thanks to the 378 participants, many generous event supporters, and sponsors Atlantic Federal Credit Union, Plante Paving, Dan Davis Sales Inc., Genest Precast, Kash for Kans Recycling, Marc Motors, Moody’s Collision Centers, Nexgen Tooling, Patco Construction, the Wolves Social Club, York Manufacturing, as well as many volunteers, $15,500 was raised to benefit the patients and families that rely on Maine Children’s Cancer Program for care, comfort and support services.
Roads Are Posted: As spring approaches and the ground softens, heavy loaded trucks and vehicles are prohibited from operating on secondary roads in Sanford when the temperature is above 32 degrees F. ONLY heavy loads are restricted from operating on these roads. That is any vehicle weighing over 23,000 pounds or combination of vehicles (trucks and trailers). If an UNLOADED vehicle is operating on a posted road, they are not in violation of the law. They also can operate on posted roadways if the temperature is BELOW 32°. So, if you see a dump truck or a logging truck on a posted road, they may not be in violation, especially in the early morning hours when the roads are still solidly frozen and it’s below 32°. The fine for this is $625.00. More information and a list of posted roads can be found here on the City’s website.
Shoe/Boot Drive: Do you have any gently used shoes or boots? A boot drive is underway for the Police Department/Community Closet to supply much-needed footwear to the needy and homeless/unhoused in our community. Please drop off items in the box in the lobby at the Springvale Library anytime in the next two weeks.
Corned Beef & Cabbage: Sanford First Baptist Church will be hosting an in-person and takeout dinner of corned beef and cabbage, with mashed potatoes, carrots, turnips and apple crisp on Saturday, March 12 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. The dinner is expected to sell out, so message them on Facebook or call (207) 324-5456 to reserve your meal. All proceeds will benefit the Church’s Operation Christmas Child project in Memory of Carl Delano.
Congratulations and happy retirement to Lt. Jason Wagner of the Sanford Police Department. Thank you for your 25 years of service to our community!
Save the Date for Waban’s 51st Annual Telethon: It will be a Tele-Fest this year on Saturday, May 21, with a combination of in-person and online events featuring live music, great food and children’s activities. Look for more details on this great event as the date gets closer.
Baseball and Softball Clinics: Sanford Springvale Little League will be hosting free baseball clinics for boys and softball clinics for girls in March. Get all the details here.
Mainers: The Sanford Mainers are open for business! The office at 917 Main St. will be open Fridays from noon to 4:00 p.m. for merchandise and season ticket sales.
Volleyball: Sanford-Springvale Recreational Sports has announced session 3 of volleyball clinics will be held at the Nasson Gym beginning March 14. The clinics are open to boys and girls in grades 5-8. More information and signup link here.
Vaccine Clinic Hours: The York County Emergency Management Agency’s Covid Vaccine Clinic in South Sanford has updated its hours. It will now be open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m., and Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. No appointment needed. Moderna, Pfizer, Pediatric Pfizer, and J&J vaccines are available, as well as boosters.
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Bald Eagle recently spotted in Springvale near Dunkin Donuts Photo: Tarrah Littlefield
Homefront facilitators Abi Brown, Jill Belleard and Kristi Carr Photo: Tammy Wells By Tammy Wells, York County Government A peer…
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Snowshoeing is a great way to explore snow covered trails Photo Credit: Shalimar DeBusk By John Henkelman, Registered Maine Guide…
Compiled by Lisa Blanchette Visit our Events Calendar for details on these events and on events to come. ONGOING…
Sweetser’s Liz Smith (left) and Karen Dow were on hand at a recent Health & Wellness Fair to inform college…