A team of women from Maine Community Bank volunteered to work on a home under construction in Sanford, part of a Habitat for Humanity Women Build Day.
Photo: Maine Community Bank
Compiled by Carolyn Cadigan
Empowering women to build stronger communities: Maine Community Bank recently sponsored a Habitat for Humanity Women Build Day at a Sanford home under construction. A team of women from the bank participated. Through Women Build, which started in 1991, women volunteers from all walks of life come together to help build strength, stability and independence throughout the community.
Nine months of giving: The Safe Storage Care Bag Project, a collaboration between Safe Storage and It Takes a Village 207, aims to collect donations through October to fill 100 reusable bags with needed items for those struggling with homelessness, hunger and other basic needs. The nine-month project, which began in February with the collection of peanut butter and jelly, targets different items each month. For March, they are requesting toothbrushes and toiletries such as toilet paper, shampoo, conditioner and toothpaste. However, any category of item may be donated during any month. Unopened items may be dropped off at any Safe Storage location Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. Anyone making an in-person donation will be entered in a November raffle to win a reusable bag filled with goodies, including gift cards and other swag. FMI, go here.
Congratulations, Nasson Health Care: After rigorous review, the National Committee of Quality Assurance (NCQA) has recognized Nasson Health Care as a Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH). They earned this recognition for their commitment to providing high-quality care that places their patients at the forefront of what they do. Practices that earn recognition have made a commitment to continuous quality improvement and a patient-centered approach to care. NCQA’s program is the most widely adopted PCMH evaluation program in the country.
How do you like them apples? The results are in. The Best of the 207 has awarded Springvale’s very own McDougal Orchards the silver medal in its 2023 “Things to Do” category. Growing over 40 varieties of apples as well as other fruits and squash, McDougal Orchards is a seventh-generation family farm at 201 Hanson Ridge Rd. The Best of the 207 publishes a guide to Maine’s most outstanding businesses, services and attractions, based on customers and fans who vote them best across 250 categories.
The 2024 Jamming for Mental Health Awareness & Suicide Prevention event raised more than $17,000 for Sweetser Mental Health. Denise Labbe (left) and Marise Anagnost (right) present a check to Sweetser President/CEO Jayne Van Bramer(center).
Photo: Sweetser Mental Health
Banding together to support mental health: The 2024 Jamming for Mental Health Awareness & Suicide Prevention event raised more the $17,000 to support Sweetser Mental Health in our community. Several bands, including Echo Brook, Middleman, Straight Up No Ice and Texas Pete, donated their time, performing live throughout the event. Funds were also raised through a 50/50 raffle, bucket raffle and t-shirt sales. First held in 2019, the annual event is a collaboration between Sanford ME Elks Lodge #1470 and the Wolves Social Club.
Free community meal now served at the warming center: York County Shelter Programs is moving its free community meal, which has been held every Tuesday and Thursday from 12 pm to 1 pm at Sunset Tower, to its warming center, effective Tuesday, March 5. The warming center is at the former Lafayette School, 69 Brook Street, Sanford. The hours will remain the same. Enter at the back of the building. All are welcome.
The curtain is calling: The Sanford Performing Arts Center is growing their team of technical staff, specifically people with experience in lighting, sound and stage production. If you or someone you know may qualify, go here FMI and to apply.
Trivia, anyone? The Sanford-Springvale Chamber of Commerce Trivia Night is scheduled for April 26 at the American Legion. Doors open at 6:15 pm; trivia starts at 7 pm. There will be raffles, a silent auction and a 50/50 raffle. Get a team together and reserve your table by April 12 online here, call 207-324-4280 or email ricks@metrocast.net. The cost is $200 per table, payable by check or credit card, with eight people per table.
Making wishes come true for critically ill children: On Feb. 21, Partners Bank presented a $10,000 check to Make-A-Wish Maine during the live Share the Power of a Wish Telethon. In addition to making the donation, the bank had eight employees volunteer to answer phone calls during the telethon. At the end of the campaign, the telethon raised $131,832, far exceeding the $100,000 goal it had set. Make-A-Wish creates positive memories for critically ill children, with Make-A-Wish Maine granting a wish about every five days.
Bald Eagle recently spotted in Springvale near Dunkin Donuts Photo: Tarrah Littlefield
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Snowshoeing is a great way to explore snow covered trails Photo Credit: Shalimar DeBusk By John Henkelman, Registered Maine Guide…
Compiled by Lisa Blanchette Visit our Events Calendar https://sanfordspringvalenews.com/events/ for details on these events and on events to come. ONGOING…
Sweetser’s Liz Smith (left) and Karen Dow were on hand at a recent Health & Wellness Fair to inform college…