The three candidates to fill the vacant seat on the City Council were asked to submit a statement of 500 words or less on what they think are the three greatest challenges facing Sanford and how they would address those challenges as a member of the City Council. They were asked to be as specific as possible.
The biggest issue that prompted me to run for office is Economic Development in Sanford/Springvale. Sanford is regarded as being “The Heart of York County.” Bringing good quality high paying jobs to Sanford is crucial to our present and future development in our city. Our residents need our city leadership to work with planning and also the Chamber of Commerce to help facilitate those much needed relationships that are crucial in seeing Sanford as a great place in which to invest jobs. City Hall needs to work hand in hand with its business leaders and the community as a whole to help close the gaps in income and poverty. Our city currently is placing too much of the tax burden on top of the shoulders of single family homeowners in Sanford/Springvale, and residents are moving into communities which have a lower property tax base like Lebanon and Shapleigh.
I have dedicated my life to service for both my nation and my state. I am a great multi-tasker and having great organizational skills is key in handling the peoples business that I am bringing to the table.
My top priorities of success in city government is 1. Economic Development 2. Reduction of personal property tax base for residents. 3. Bringing high-paying, quality jobs back into Sanford.
We absolutely need to clean up and revitalize our downtown. This is crucial in attracting investors and consumers alike. When shoppers come to Downtown Sanford all they currently see is blight. Empty storefront windows and boarded up businesses. The city needs to clean up the Midtown Mall area and bring it back to its once elegant glory for starters. The city should create a program or task force to help incentivize small business start ups.
I look forward to a continuation in helping Sanford grow, thrive and be successful for future generations to come. Please vote Termath for City Council on June 14th, 2022.
Michael Termath
The candidates have each been invited to speak for five minutes about their backgrounds and qualifications at the next City Council meeting on June 7.
Election Day is June 14, 2022. Got to for more information, or to request an absentee ballot.
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