Friends, Family Celebrate Raymond Payeur

Friends, Family Celebrate Raymond Payeur

From a press release

Raymond Payeur greets his grandson Randy, great-grandson Randy Jr, great-granddaughter Alex, and great-great-granddaughter Tara Rollins.

Photo: Barbara Johansen

Family and friends of Raymond J. Payeur, a longtime resident of Sanford and proprietor of Payeur Realty on Main Street, are honoring him in the weeks leading to his 100th birthday on Jan. 14.

Payeur recently received the Boston Post Cane from selectmen in North Berwick, where he moved after retirement. The cane is an honor bestowed on the oldest person in a community. He was also honored by family and friends earlier this fall at the Fraternal Lodge in Alfred. Payeur is a World War II Navy veteran who stepped off the U.S.S. Indianapolis in Pearl Harbor just days before it was sunk by a Japanese torpedo. He often used the sign in front of his business to honor veterans and casualties of war. He still proudly shares his military stories and life experiences with local groups.

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