The Addams Family, Directed by George Perkins with musical direction by Karen Mathews. Auditions are April 26th 6-8:30pm and April 27th 2-5pm and also 6-8pm. Auditions will be in the Nasson Little Theatre located at 457 Main Street in Springvale Maine. Please bring a resume, headshot, brief monologue and 16 bars of a song. Show dates are: July 19, 20, 21, 26, 27 & 28
Photo: Lisa Blanchette Memorial Gym or winter wonderland? Neither: It’s the 6th Annual Alumni Spree of Trees, a chance for…
Compiled by Lisa Blanchette Visit our Events Calendar for details on these and future events. ONGOING Springvale Library, Annual Holiday…
The first inductees into the Sanford Athletic Hall of Honor. L-R: Paul Belanger, Michael Caramihalis, Kevin Bougie, Jennifer Roberts Zarkoskie,…
Photo: Clancy Law Group By Lee Burnett Wait times at traffic lights on Main Street should get shorter next year…
An artist’s drawing shows the new splash pad at Carpentier Park. By Andrew Morin Carpentier Park on High Street has…
A site plan shows how the former Springvale District Courthouse will be developed as senior housing. By Jack McAdam The…