We are excited to share with you all that Great Bay Services is hosting our very first Spring Fling Dance!This event is being planned by members of our Sanford programs and is open to the entire community (that means everyone)! Mark your calendars because our Spring Fling Dance with DJ Terrie will be hosted at the Sanford, Maine VFW on May 17th. The tickets are only $10 each and can be purchased in person at GBS Sanford located at 61 Washington Street Suite 4 Sanford, ME 04073 or online at https://givebutter.com/SpringFlingDance
For questions, please contact Kim Small at KSmall@GreatBayServices.org or Pam Foster at PFoster@GreatBayServices.org
A bobcat, spotted near Beaver Hill in Springvale recently, enjoys a spot in the sun. Photo: Terrence McCarthy
Rachel Schneider on a training run at week 14 of her pregnancy Courtesy photo By Quinnly Raducha University of New…
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A site plan shows an apartment building on Summer Street in Springvale. Photo: City of Sanford By Jack McAdam The…
Grasshopper Sparrow Photo: Pixabay By Quinnly Raducha, University of New England The manager of Sanford’s airport made a pitch to…
Compiled by Lisa Blanchette Visit our Events Calendar https://sanfordspringvalenews.com/events/ for details on these events and on events to come. ONGOING…