Sanford Food Pantry, 10am-noon, picture ID required, Sanford residents only. 1204 Main Street (weekly event)
American Red Cross Blood Drive, 10am-3pm, Sanford City Hall, 929 Main Street
Tuesday, June 27
Free Lunch, 11:30-1pm, Sunset Towers, 941Main Street (weekly event)
Technology Help Drop In, 2:30-3:30, Louis B Goodall Memorial Library, 952 Main Street (weekly event)
Sanford Elks Bingo, 4pm doors open, 6pm games start, must be 18 with valid picture ID, face coverings required for those not vaccinated, Elks Lodge, 13 Elm Street (weekly event)
Sanford Police Citizen’s Advisory Group, 6pm, Sanford Police Department, 935 Main Street (4th Tuesday of the month)
Wednesday, June 28
Tie-Dye Fun, 2:30-4:30pm Louis B Goodall Memorial Library, 952 Main Street
Friends of Downtown, 4:30-6pm, Frannie’s Mini Donuts, 913 Main Street (every other week)
Wednesday Night Bite/Free Community Meal, 6-7pm, Curtis Lake Church, 38 Westview Drive (weekly event)
Thursday, June 29
St. Therese of Lisieux Food Bank, Noon-2pm, no residency requirement, Contact Barbara Russell 603-970-0306 FMI 25 Riverside Ave. (weekly event)
Sanford Backpack Program Free Community Food Distribution (Summer Series) 3-5:30pm, 2 Locations Willard Building and Sanford High School, 668 Main Street and 100 Alumni Blvd (summer weekly event)
Free Community Meal, 5pm, New Beginnings Christian Church, 181 Grammar Road (weekly event)
Friday, June 30
Salvation Army Produce Pantry, 10am-Noon, 871 Main Street (weekly event) Staple Boxes (2nd & 4th Fridays only)
Music on the Patio, noon-1pm, Springvale Public Library, 443 Main Street
Mario Kart Tournament, noon-3pm, Louis B Goodall Memorial Library, 952 Main Street
Southern Main Area Agency on Aging-Medicare Series, 12:30-3pm, Louis B Goodall Memorial Library, 952 Main Street
SPAC All American POPS/Strafford Wind Symphony, 7-9pm, Sanford Performing Arts Center, 100 Alumni Blvd
Sanford Springvale Little League All Stars (Minors), 7pm, SS Little League Park, 38 Roberts Street
Saturday, July 1
Sanford Farmers Market, 8am-noon, Central Park, 920 Main Street (weekly May-October)
Rolling Thunder Chapter 1 Maine, Food Drive @ Shaws Supermarket to benefit Sanford Veterans Center Food Pantry, 9am-Noon, 1364 Main Street
Acrylic Painting Workshop, 1pm, Louis B Goodall Memorial Library, 952 Main Street
Pilots Cove 3rd Annual Fireworks Extravaganza, 6pm (show starts, fireworks to follow), 199 Airport Road
Sanford Springvale Little League All Stars (Majors), 7pm, SS Little League Park, 38 Roberts Street
Sunday, July 2
Smitty’s Game LAB-Family Fun Sundays, All Day, 1327 Main Street (weekly Event)
Coming Soon…
7/3 Sanford’s Annual Independence Day Celebration @ #1 Pond
7/3 Sanford Food Pantry
7/3 Blood Drive
7/3 Maine Attraction Water Ski Show
7/4 Parade
7/5 Sam’s Book Club-The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
7/5 Mainers Military Appreciation Day
7/6 The Science of Ice Cream
7/6 Maine Attraction Water Ski Show
7/7 Music on the Patio (Springvale Public Library)
7/7 First Baptist Church of Springvale Annual Yard Sale
7/8 First Baptist Church of Springvale Annual Yard Sale
7/8 Farmers’ Market
Cam White stick handles a puck across #1 Pond Photo: Connie Garber
Diana Allen feeds fish that provide nutrients in an aquaponics system that grows herbs and vegetables in a neighboring greenhouse…
The grant provides funds to the department to develop a pilot aimed at strengthening family-school connections and promoting academic growth.…
Kayden Cabezal, Lillie Trumble, Raven Carrick,. Not pictured: Cole Witt. Photo: Lisa Blanchette By Lisa Blanchette It’s not even June,…
Compiled by Lisa Blanchette Visit our Events Calendar for details on these and future events. ONGOING Raffle calendar - Sanford…
Sally Stokes was recently named the game day coordinator for the Sanford Mainers. Photo: Sanford Mainers Compiled by Carolyn Cadigan…