Monday, July 3
Sanford Food Pantry, 10am-Noon, picture ID required, Sanford residents only. 1204 Main Street (weekly event) open
American Red Cross Blood Drive, Noon-5pm, Nasson Community Center, 457 Main Street, Springvale
City of Sanford Holiday Festivities, Block Party at Number One Pond, William Oscar Emery Drive
4:00 pm Vendors Open
6:00 pm Water Ski Show Warm-ups
6:30 pm Water Ski Show Starts
7:30 pm Live DJ
9:00 pm (or later) Fireworks
Tuesday, July 4
Fourth of July Parade, 10:00 am. Starts at the intersection of Main St. and Stilson St. ends at Gowen Park Drive
Free Lunch, 11:30-1:00 pm, Sunset Towers, 941Main Street (weekly event) (please check holiday schedule)
Technology Help Drop In, 2:30-3:30 pm, Louis B Goodall Memorial Library, 952 Main Street (weekly event) (please check holiday schedule)
Sanford Elks Bingo, No Bingo on 7/4
Wednesday, July 5
Sanford Mainers Military Appreciation Day, 5:30-8:30 pm, Goodall Park,
38 Roberts Street
Wednesday Night Bite/Free Community Meal, 6-7:00 pm, Curtis Lake Church, 38 Westview Drive (weekly event)
Thursday, July 6
Little Yogis, 10:00 am, Springvale Public Library, 443 Main Street, Springvale (6/15-8/3)
St. Therese of Lisieux Food Bank, Noon-2:00 pm, no residency requirement, Contact Barbara Russell 603-970-0306 FMI 25 Riverside Ave. (weekly event)
Sanford Backpack Program Free Community Food Distribution (Summer Series) 3-5:30 pm, 2 Locations – Willard Building and Sanford High School, 668 Main Street and 100 Alumni Blvd (summer weekly event)
Free Community Meal, 5:00 pm, New Beginnings Christian Church, 181 Grammar Road (weekly event)
The Science of Ice Cream, 5:30 pm, Louis B Goodall Memorial Library, 952 Main Streeet
Maine Attraction Water Ski Show, 6:30 pm, Number One Pond, William Oscar Emery Drive
Friday, July 7
Annual Yard Sale, First Baptist Church of Springvale, 8:00 am-1:00 pm, 429 Main Street, Springvale (2-day event)
Salvation Army Produce Pantry, 10:00 am-Noon, 871 Main Street (weekly event) Staple Boxes (2nd & 4th Fridays only)
Music on the Patio, Noon -1:00 pm, Springvale Public Library, 443 Main Street
Southern Main Area Agency on Aging-Medicare Series, 12:30-3:00 pm, Louis B Goodall Memorial Library, 952 Main Street
Movie Night & Tie Dye, 5-8:00 pm, Mikini Embroidery & Sports Apparel, 1458 Main Street
Saturday, July 8
Sanford Farmers Market, 8:00 am-Noon, Central Park, 920 Main Street (weekly May-October)
Annual Yard Sale, First Baptist Church of Springvale, 8:00 am-1:00 pm, 429 Main St., Springvale (2-day event)
Mike McGinnis, Barry Saunders, Norm Bergeron and Friends (Jazz Concert),7:30 pm, Sanford-Springvale Historical Society, 505 Main Street, Springvale
Sunday, July 9
Smitty’s GameLAB-Family Fun Sundays, All Day, 1327 Main Street (weekly Event)
Coming Soon…
7/10 Nasson Youth Theatre Camp
7/10 Sanford Food Pantry
7/10 Blood Drive
7/10 A Family For ME Q&A
7/11 Drop-In Kindness Rock Painting
7/11 Kids Free To Grow Zoom Circle of Security Parenting
7/11 Municipal Operations & Property Subcommittee Meeting online
7/11 Public Safety Subcommittee Meeting online
7/11 Technology Help Drop-In
7/11 Elks Bingo
7/11 Matthew Meal
7/11 City Council Meeting
7/11 Dulcimer for Beginners
7/11 Maine Attraction Adaptive Clinic
7/12 Land Bank Authority Meeting
7/12 Fire Station Feasibility Working Group Meeting
7/12 Cooking Matters Families
7/12 Friends of Downtown Meeting (every other week)
7/13 Senior Mobile Food Distribution at CrossRoads UMC
7/13 Maine Attraction Water Ski Show
7/14 Salvation Army Staples Box Distribution
Kat Wiggin and daughter Emma Credit: Kendra Williams By: Kendra Williams Our readers often see us express gratitude to the…
Sanford Alumni Association members, pictured in 2021, from left: Shane O'Connell (president), Lisa Blanchette (secretary), Theresa Salls (treasurer), Kendra O'Connell,…
Classroom where the culinary and pastry art programs will take place. Photo: Grace Pearson By Grace Pearson, Sanford High School…
Groundhog image by jull from Pixabay. ONGOING Cereal box collection – Sanford Backpack Program, Sanford Schools, through Feb. 6 Winter…
Photo: Sanford-Springvale Historical Society Press Release Feel the love this Valentine's season with a special Valentine weekend concert performance on…
Erik Sechler of Native Plant Trust speaks to the crowd at River Junction Brewing on Jan. 25, as Keith Davis,…